Dr. Rachel Sipler

Bachelors (B.Sc.): University of Maryland Eastern Shore (USA)
Doctoral (Ph.D.) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (USA)
Bachelors (B.Sc.): Salisbury University (USA)
Office: AX-4021
Telephone: (709) 864-3223
Email: resipler@mun.ca

Sipler CV


Research Interests:

My research is truly interdisciplinary and combines biogeochemistry, microbial physiology, and phytoplankton ecology to quantify how changes in the physical and chemical environment may impact marine microbial community composition, metabolic rates and aquatic food webs. Although the focus of my research has varied from constrained mechanistic studies investigating the response of specific phytoplankton species to a single organic matter source, to complex studies examining community scale microbial responses to an array of physical and chemical changes, the overarching goal of my research remains the same: to determine how marine phytoplankton and bacterial communities will respond to changes in their environment.