David Borish

David Borish, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies
David is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies at the Labrador Campus of Memorial University
David Borish is a social and health researcher and visual artist pushing the boundaries of using audio-visual methodologies to explore and understand relationships between humans and the environment. His work sits at the interface of documentary film, public health, cultural and social wellbeing, wildlife conservation, and audio-visual research methods. David has a PhD in Public Health from the University of Guelph, and is the director of HERD, a research-based documentary film all about a 99% decline of a caribou population and what that means for community well-being in Labrador, Canada. The film has been broadcasted on CBC in Canada, has been screened at more than 15 international film festivals.
David is currently working with the Torngat Wildlife, Plants and Fisheries Secretariat, as well as other wildlife co-management boards across the Eastern Arctic, to co-create visual media about wildlife stewardship and Indigenous culture. This includes a new educational docuseries about Inuit knowledge of polar bears in Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, Nunavut, and Greenland. Previously, he has worked as a visual educator for National Geographic Student Expeditions in Iceland and Alaska, and has led a variety of visual-based projects about environmental and social sustainability in Peru, Nepal, Kenya, Malaysia, and other parts of the world.
To learn more about David's film and photography work, visit: https://www.davidborishvisuals.com/