Arn Keeling

Arn Keeling Headshot

Professor and Department Head, Department of Geography

Cross-Appointment with School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies

My research and publications focus on the environmental-historical geography of Western and Northern Canada. In recent years, my research has explored the historical and contemporary encounters of northern Indigenous communities with large-scale resource developments. I was co-investigator on a multi-site, multi-year SSHRC project examining abandoned mines in Northern Canada and I am leading a new SSHRC project investigating the historical-geography of pollution and contaminants in Northern Canada. I am also interested in historical-geographical approaches to environmental science, political ecology and environmental justice. I have previously written on topics including domestic and industrial pollution, environmental politics, and the history of the conservation/environmental movement. I also serve as co-editor of the journal, Historical Geography (2015-20).

Visit Arn's profile on the Department of Geography website.

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Twitter: @Arn_Keeling