Diane Tye


 Professor Emerita

B.A. (Mount Allison)
M.A. (Memorial)
Ph.D. (Memorial)


Diane Tye’s research is located in Atlantic Canada; much of it centres on the uses women make of folklore in their everyday lives. She is author of Baking as Biography. A Life Story in Recipes (2010), winner of the Elli Köngäs-Maranda Book Prize by the Women’s Section of the American Folklore Society (AFS). With Pauline Greenhill, Dr. Tye is co-editor of Undisciplined Women. Tradition and Culture in Canada (1996) and Unsettling Assumptions. Tradition, Gender, Drag (2014). Her articles explore subjects cultural understandings of regionally iconic foods like lobster, molasses and home-baked bread as well as a range of other topics from family narratives and bachelorette parties to Christmas mummering and contemporary legend. Her work has appeared in Food, Culture and Society, CuiZine, Journal of American Folklore, Western Folklore, Women’s Studies International Forum, and Ethnologies, among other journals.

Dr. Tye is a past member of the AFS Executive Board, past co-editor of Digest, the online the journal of AFS’s Foodways Section, and a past president of the Folklore Studies Association of Canada.


Recent Publications

Co-editor with Pauline Greenhill. Unsettling Assumptions. Tradition, Gender, Drag. UP of Colorado published by Utah State UP.

Baking as Biography. A Life Story in Recipes. McGill-Queen's University Press.

2018 Edible Men: Playing with Food at Bachelorette Parties.Western Folklore 77 (3-4): 221-248.

2017 When Mary Went through the Hole: Meanings of Narratives based on Episodic Childhood Memory to Individual and Family Identity. Journal of American Folklore 130 (518): 419-37.

2017b “Newfie Steak”: Boloney as Tradition and Play in Newfoundland. In Comfort Food: Meanings and Memories. Ed. Michel Owen Jones and Lucy Long. Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press. 150-162.

2015 “Fruitcake Always Makes Me Think of Grandma”: Food and Memory in L. M. Montgomery’s Creation of Female Landscapes. In The Food and Folklore Reader. Ed. Lucy M. Long. London: Bloomsbury. 317-326.

2015b Reflecting on Familiar Tastes: Lessons Found in Making Chow. Digest. A Journal of  Foodways and Culture 4.2. http://digest.champlain.edu.

2014 “What’s Under the Kilt?’ Intersections of Ethnic and Gender Performativity.” In Unsettling Assumptions. Tradition, Gender, Drag. Ed. Pauline Greenhill and Diane Tye. Logan: Utah State University Press. 191-207.

2014b Storm Days. Playing with Food and Time. Digest. A Journal of Foodways and Culture 2.2. http://digest.champlain.edu.