Clubs and Societies

These organizations below are clubs and societies at MUN that are regularly looking for volunteers throughout the year. The commitment and requirements do vary significantly across organizations - anything from simply sending in your name to having an interview process involved. Ensure you read each posting carefully and contact the organization should you have any further questions about that particular posting!

Do you want your club or society on our “Clubs and Societies” page? Email us at to have a listing posted!


Need to update your posting?
Email us at to submit the necessary changes to your posting.

MUN Groups

      1. Intersections
      2. MUN Campus Lions
      3. MUN DISC
      4. MUN NextGen Blood Club
      5. MUN Rowing Club
      6. MUN Saga
      7. MUN Stem Cell Club
      8. MUN Students for Palestine
      9. Students Older Than Average
      10. The Muse Student Newspaper




MUN Clubs and Societies

  1. Black Students Association
  2. Google Developer Group
  3. MUN Ballroom and Latin Dance
  4. MUN Art Club
  5. MUN Debate Society
  6. Muslim Students Association
  7. United Nations Society