School of Nursing turning the Big 50!

Sep 13th, 2016

Marcia Porter

Class of '75 alumnae proudly shows off her uniform!
School of Nursing turning the Big 50!

Calling all School of Nursing (SON) graduates; the SON is turning the big 5-0 this year and celebrations are in the works!

So grab your calendars right now, and save the dates - Oct. 14, 15, 2016 – for a party weekend with your friends and former classmates! You can register here at for our events that start with a gala night out on Friday, Oct. 14, 2016.

A committee of enthusiastic alumni and staff has been working diligently to get in touch with everyone – a big job considering the SON has over 4,500 alumni here in Newfoundland and Labrador, across the country and around the world!

If you haven't heard from the school, and want to get in touch, please email with your name and contact information. The SON is looking forward to catching up!

Where have the years gone??

From modest beginnings in 1966, with 38 students and three faculty members, the SON is now a school of over 400 students in undergraduate and graduate programs.

"We are immensely proud of our roots, and our growth. We began with a four-year BN program and now offer a BN to students in regular-stream and fast-track options; we have an MN program with practicum and nurse practitioner options, and a PhD in nursing program," said Dr. Alice Gaudine, dean of the SON.

"We are also actively involved in nursing research and public engagement, which is an important part of Memorial's mission to make a difference."

The SON has a first-class reputation as one of the best schools of nursing anywhere. Last summer it received a full seven-year accreditation, which is the gold standard in nursing education. SON graduates are highly-regarded wherever they practice.

To learn more about the school, where we've been and where we're headed, visit, or check out our Facebook page at

Save the date for something great! Come join us for our 50th birthday celebration.

For more information please contact Marcia Porter, communications coordinator in the School of Nursing, at 777-2165, or email And learn more about what we've been up to at