Recent and Current Courses



English 2002 - Drama: a survey of drama from the Greeks to the present day. This course introduces students to the theatre and drama of the past. After each period is described, students discover a classic representing the performance of that time.

English 3156 - Modern Canadian Drama: a study of a number of representative plays which illustrate the development of modern drama and theatre in Canada. Drama from coast to coast is introduced.

English 3849 - Modern Newfoundland Drama: a study of representative plays that illustrate the development of modern theatre on the island of Newfoundland

English 4300 - Modern Drama 1: examines drama from Ibsen to the present day, principally of the realistic tradition, studied through representative plays.


English 7070 - Contemporary Canadian Drama: an examination of the prominent trends in world of Canadian theatre from the 1960s to the present.

English 7075 – Newfoundland Drama: will introduce students to Newfoundland drama.