Joonas Plaan


Ph.D. Candidate (Anthropology), Memorial University of Newfoundland
Dissertation topic: Demographic change in the fishery and in the strategies that small-scale fisheries have employed in challenging pressures toward increasing capitalisation of the fishing sector as well as adapting to changing policy frameworks and environmental conditions in NL.

MA Distinction (Environmental Anthropology), University of Kent, 2013.
Thesis title: “Knowing and managing the Seascape: Local Knowledge and Conservation in Kihnu Island, Estonia.”

BA (Social and Cultural Anthropology), Tallinn University, 2012.
Thesis title: “Culture in Nature: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Environmentalism in Kihnu.”



Research Interests:

Environmental anthropology, Traditional/Local Environmental Knowledge, Anthropology of Fisheries, Political Ecology, Climate Change, Anthropocene, Historical Ecology, Human-wildlife conflicts, Baltic Sea region, North-Atlantic studies, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Selected Publications:

  • Knowing and Managing the Seascape: Local Knowledge, Environmental Change and Conservation in Kihnu Islescape, Estonia. Special issue in Society and Natural Resources. [In Press]

  • Väiksemahuline kalastus ja kohalike teadmine loodusest Kihnu saarel. [Small-scale Fisheries and Local Environmental Knowledge in Kihnu Island.] Talveakadeemia 2014. Tartu: Estonian University of Life Sciences.

Conference papers and convening: 

  • Fisher’s Knowledge, Power and Regulations in Baltic Sea Region: Mobile Fisheries and Shifting Livelihoods in Kihnu Island, Estonia. Will be presented at 2nd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress. Merida, Mexico, 2014.

  • 13th European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference 2014. Tallinn, Estonia. Convened a panel Rethinking Research Topics in the Anthropocene: Anthropological Collaborations in Global Environmental Change.

  • A Journey of a Seal: Seascape, Process and Agency in Baltic Sea. Presented at 25th Annual Conference of the French Society of Human Ecology. Bordeaux, France, 2013.

  • Knowing and Managing the Seascape: Circulation of Local Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge in Kihnu. Presented at 11th International Society for Ethnology and Folklore Congress. Tartu, Estonia, 2013.

  • 11th International Society for Ethnology and Folklore Congress 2013. Tartu, Estonia. Convened a panel Water Circulation and the Remaking of Power, Development and Agency.