Undergraduate Programs

What does the food we eat tell us about who we are and where we come from? How are national parks experienced differently by tourists and residents? What can government representations of the Iraq war tell us about American nationalism? How did a women’s party make it into the Northern Ireland peace process? These are just a few of the many problems being investigated by anthropologists at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Anthropology students at Memorial learn about the lives of people in diverse societies while also exploring a wide range of important issues and problems that are very relevant to their daily lives. We offer courses that expose students to a range of anthropological theories and fieldwork methods, including: participant observation, interviewing, and the making of documentary films.
Students may choose to major or minor in Anthropology or they may choose to do an Honours degree, which requires them to complete a major research paper.
Information on undergraduate degree programs is available in the university calendar:
For further information, contact the Undergraduate Program Director for Anthropology.