Connecting Generations NL

How to get involved

Contact: Jordan Spurrell


Phone no.: (709) 682 8035

Address: 5 Challenger Cres. Paradise.


Organization Description: Our mission is to create a volunteer organization that connects youth and the elderly populations in Newfoundland through meaningful in-person interactions. We aim to bridge the gap between generations and foster a sense of community united by shared values and traditions. We recognize the growing concern about the loss of cultural traditions and values in Newfoundland and the isolation experienced by many seniors in our communities. We believe that bringing these two groups together will help address these challenges and create a brighter future for everyone.

Volunteer Activities/Duties: 

  • Senior volunteer - These volunteers would interact and socialize with their partnered senior over the course of time.
  • Fundraising volunteer - These volunteers would fundraise for various events and every day functions.
  • General volunteer - Those who believe they would bring a role that is in alignment with our goals and mission are welcomed to contact.

Commitment: All positions vary in time, depending on the volunteer/senior schedules and can be adjusted accordingly. Senior volunteers are encouraged to meet their senior when assigned a minimum or 2-4 times per month.

Orientation and Training: There are both short orientations and training for all roles. The orientation is tailored around the safety, respect and general guidelines for working with seniors in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Other Requirements: Screening/application process.


You can find this organization on the following Social Medias: