Internal and External Supports

We encourage you to avail of supports when you are ready and to choose the supports that will be of most benefit to you. Please contact us if you would like to discuss available supports and resources or if you need our help in facilitating a referral. 

Internal Supports

Employee Assistance Program:

English 1-800-387-4765
French 1-800-361-5676
TTY 1-877-338-0275

Grenfell Campus Students' Union: (709) 637-7184

Grenfell Counselling Services: (709) 637-7919

Grenfell International Student Services: (709) 639-6525 or 

Indigenous Resource Centre: (709) 639-4606

Resident Assistant: see on-duty phone numbers posted per housing unit

External Supports

NL Sexual Assault Crisis and Prevention Centre Crisis Line: 1-800-726-2743 

Mental Health Crisis Line: 811

Multicultural Women's Organization of Newfoundland & Labrador (MWONL): (709) 726-0321

Parents of Trans and Gender Diverse Kids, Western NL

SARA Corner Brook, Sexual Assault Response and Advocacy
(709) 216-HELP (4357)

The Journey Project (Legal Support Services): 1-833-722-2805 or