Norman Nawrocki Shows - "Lessons from a 7 ft Penis"

Sep 12th, 2019

Ashley H. Curnew

Norman Nawrocki
Norman Nawrocki Shows - "Lessons from a 7 ft Penis"

During Sexual Violence Awareness Week, the Sexual Harassment Office will be presenting free shows by Norman Nawrocki. Mr. Nawrocki will be performing his show, Lessons From a 7 ft Penis, on both the St. John’s and Grenfell campuses.

The Grenfell Campus show will take place at the GCSU Dining Hall on Monday, Sept. 16 at 7 p.m.; the St. John’s campus show will take place at the Faculty of Medicine auditorium on Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m.

“In his show, Mr. Nawrocki uses non-sexist humour to address common myths and preconceptions about sexuality, relationships and sexual politics. He also tackles issues around safe sex, transphobia, consent, sexual anatomy and dating while offering insights, facts and options for healthier, more respectful sex,” said Ms. Shortall. The shows will be open to members of the university community. Individuals interested in viewing the show remotely will be able to do so online. Information to view the show online will be posted to this site on Tuesday, Sept. 17 in advance of the show.

The shows are supported by the Memorial University of Newfoundland Students’ Union, the Graduate Students’ Union, the Marine Institute Students’ Union and the Grenfell Campus Student Union.

The Sexual Harassment Office encourages people to attend and to remember to Always Ask.

PLEASE NOTE: Here is the link for the live webcast of Norman's St. John's performance  -