April earns accolades!

May 3rd, 2018

Marcia Porter

Dr. April Manuel
April earns accolades!

School of Nursing faculty member Dr. April Manuel was formally recognized by the Heart and Stroke Foundation as a member of the Heart & Stroke's Caring Hearts Circle.

This award was presented recently by the Lieutenant Governor for her passionate advocacy and commitment to education about cardiovascular health in Newfoundland & Labrador.

Earning membership to the Heart and Stroke's Circle of Caring is a special recognition of Dr. Manuel's long-time and active contribution to the foundation.

The Caring Hearts Circle is a group of the Foundation's leading supporters whose philanthropic vision helps move the foundation ever closer to achieving their goal for all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, healthy lives free of heart disease and stroke.

Just this past February she served as the foundation's spokesperson for Heart and Sroke month, making the rounds to talk about heart health, and for, example, heart disease in women.

Here she is one CBC radio's Crosstalk. http://www.cbc.ca/listen/shows/cross-talk/episode/15518724

In 2015 Dr. Manuel was recipient of the President's Award for Excellence in Community Service for her work with the Heart and Stroke Foundation. She has played an instrumental role in creating the school's student-led chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation and continues to have an important advisory role.