FAST Finance User Guide 

The Millennium FAST (Fast Administrative Support Tools) Suite is a pre-built administrative software solution developed for the Higher Education market. FAST is a secure, web-based and easy to implement solution that integrates with Banner.

FAST at MUN provides us with a Budget and Forecasting application as well as a Financial Reporting Product.

The FAST Budget application allows for both centralized and decentralized Budget development. This enables departments to view and edit numerous budget scenarios, forecasts and multiyear plans for their areas. It allows for detailed entry of dollars and FTE information, and can track down to the employee and position level. There are numerous automation features to enable accurate and quick entry such as decentralized Budget Transfers, integration to your Human Resources ERP system, excel import features and various data entry screens.

Finance Reporting provides decentralized self service financial reporting for all account holders, allowing fully supported, drill down access to all accounts for that user. Reports include relevant, timely information for actuals, commitments and budgets, showing where money is being spent and how it compares to approved budget amounts.

FAST accesses data from Banner Finance through a data warehouse that is refreshed daily, allowing users to easily query financial and budget data, produce adhoc reports and much more. The data warehouse is refreshed at 6 a.m. every morning therefore the information you will be reporting on is “one day old”.

You can gain access to FAST reporting by using your existing Banner ID and password. No need to have yet another user id and password to remember. When your Banner password is updated, FAST follows suit and is updated automatically.

FAST is a very intuitive piece of software and you should find it very comfortable to use after just a short period of time. We have compiled a few reference guides for your use and there are regular online training webinars available from Millennium.