Responsibilities in the Tuition Refund Appeals Process

The University has established financial regulations, procedures and deadlines through its governing bodies for the guidance of students. Students are expected to take into account their personal and academic circumstances, in order to meet university financial regulations, procedures, and to satisfy financial requirements and deadlines.

Students' Responsibilities in the Tuition Refund Appeals Process

It is incumbent upon students to:

  • be aware of and adhere to all financial regulations, requirements and published deadlines, especially the refund schedule published in the University Diary;
  • familiarize themselves with published tuition refund appeals procedures;
  • submit tuition refund appeals and all supporting documentation no later than one month after the official release of grades for the semester of the dropped course(s) or for Medical Students, no later than one month after the Dean's approval of Medical Student's request to withdraw from a Phase; and
  • provide appropriate authenticating materials.

The University's Responsibilities in the Tuition Refund Appeals Process

It is incumbent upon the University to:

  • make available to students advice and guidance regarding options, deadlines, required documentation, and tuition refund appeal route by way of written notification, the University website, personal appointment or other forms of communication;
  • direct students to the appropriate office for information on tuition refund appeals;
  • attend to tuition refund appeals efficiently and ensure parties receive fair, consistent and ethical treatment;
  • supply students with reasons for decisions to deny a tuition refund appeal; and
  • maintain parties’ right to confidentiality.