Writers in Residence 2018

Dec 14th, 2017

Department of English

Elisabeth de Mariaffi and George Murray
Writers in Residence 2018

he Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Department of English are very pleased to announce our 2018 Writers in Residence, celebrated novelist Elisabeth de Mariaffi and acclaimed poet George Murray. During their tenure, from January to April, they will engage with the public, the city’s literary community, students and faculty, and participants in Memorial’s Creative Writing programs through an array of readings, workshops, and other activities, while also working on their own projects. George will be completing a new collection of poetry, Things Cut in Half, that reveals “the innards and viscera of the power structures, privileges, and scripts at play in human interaction.” Elisabeth will be at work on a new novel, Safe Harbour, which “seeks to place the way we view domestic abuse and violence in an uncomfortably close context — one that brings our power and our responsibility as witnesses into our most intimate friendships, into our own marriages, and into the way we view ourselves.” Please refer to the Writers in Residence page on the Department of English website for further details on readings and workshops throughout the winter semester.