Upcoming Conference

Aug 11th, 2015

Jennifer Lokash

Upcoming Conference

Dr. Agnes Juhasz-Ormsby of the Department of English and Dr. Anne Graham of the Department of French and Spanish have organized an exciting two-day, international and bilinguial conference. "Translating for the Stage in Early Modern France and England / Traduire pour la scène dans la première modernité européenne: La France et l’Angleterre" brings together scholars of international repute to explore cultural transfers between France and England in the Early Modern Period (roughly 1450-1640) through the lens of the translation of dramatic texts. The dramatic form was a vibrant, flourishing genre in this period both in France and England. By studying translations of dramatic texts, this conference seeks to better understand the ways in which theatre on one side of the channel influenced theatre on the other side.

Sessions are open to the public and will take place in Arts and Adminintration A-1049 on August 20 and 21, 2015. See the Conference Program for details. All are welcome!