Mixing Visual Media in Comics

Oct 1st, 2016

Department of English

Mixing Visual Media in Comics

The Department of English is excited to announce that from October 13-15, we will host Mixing Visual Media in Comics, a conference exploring how comics artists mix diverse visual media - photographs, drawings, graphs, maps, and others - in the name of generating meaning. Leading comics scholars from across Canada, the US, and Europe will visit St. John's and dissect the medium.

Thierry Groensteen, the celebrated author of The System of Comics and Comics and Narrative, will give a keynote address on Friday, October 14th with the title, "Biographies of Famous Painters in Comics: What Happens with the Paintings?" Dr. Groensteen will speak in the Junior Common Room of Gushue Hall, on the Memorial campus, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. This event is open to the public; all are welcome. 

Ho Che Anderson, eminent author of King: A Comics Biography, will give a keynote address on Saturday, October 15th with the title "'80-'89: Comics Greatest Decade." The lecture will take place at the Johnson GeoCentre from 5-6:30 p.m. This event is open to the public and all are welcome.

On the opening night of the conference, local comics artists Wallace Ryan and Paul Tucker will join Ho Che Anderson for a reading of their work. The reading will happen in the open space above the Rocket Bakery in downtown St. John's, on Thursday, October 13th, from 7-9 p.m. The event is open to the public.