Celebrating Our Stars: Seamus Dwyer

Apr 29th, 2015

Jennifer Lokash

Celebrating Our Stars: Seamus Dwyer

Seamus Dwyer is a true Renaissance man with a highly creative mind, unceasing intellectual curiosity, and an outgoing and caring personality.  His remarkable academic accomplishments earned him many awards at Memorial, including, most recently, this year’s prize for Best Honours Essay. His love of literature, history, and medieval studies ultimately led him to the University of Oxford where he will pursue a Master’s degree in the coming year.  As one of the award winners of Memorial’s Summer Internship Program, he is currently participating in an early modern research project. To complement his scholarly pursuits, Seamus has been an active member of the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra, Memorial University’s Chamber Orchestra, and the Quintessential Vocal Ensemble. Throughout his studies, Seamus has shared his diverse experiences with others as a mentor at Memorial and within the wider community.