Support for Basic Science Research

Within the Faculty of Medicine

Medical Laboratories

Medical Laboratories is an education and laboratory support service unit that provides the set up of high quality laboratory and clinical based teaching sessions, anatomy and core research facility support. The core research facility support includes the following units:

  • Histology unit: processing, embedding (paraffin and resin), sectioning and staining of specimens
  • Electron Microscopy and Flow Cytometry units: transmission electron microscopy micrographs, flow cytometry analysis, microscopy digital image analysis and prints, and confocal microscopy imaging

To avail of any of the above support services and for more information, view the Medical Laboratories website

Within Memorial University 

Animal Care Services (ACS)

The Animal Care Services provides Memorial University's clinical, operational and regulatory oversight for the care and use of animals used in medical and scientific research and teaching programs. The veterinary professionals and technical team work with the Institutional Animal Care Committee, faculty and students to provide the highest standard of care.  

In addition to the husbandry care of a large range of species, the staff of Animal Care Services is available to assist the research and teaching community. See the ACS website for more information and complete details of services offered. 

Research or teaching involving animals requires ethics approval by the Animal Care Committee prior to the start of the project. Approval must attained for the duration of all animal studies.Refer to the Research Integrity and Ethics section of this handbook for more details.  

Cold-Ocean Deep-Sea Research Facility (CDRF)

The Cold-Ocean Deep-Sea Research Facility (CDRF) located at the Ocean Sciences Centre provides researchers with access to state of the art infrastructure and equipment for life science studies. The centre services the Department of Ocean Sciences but is also available for the use of Faculty of Medicine and other university or industry researchers. In addition to aquatic facilities, including a level 3 aquatic containment zone, the CDRF contains flow cytometry and cell sorting (FACS), histology, confocal microscopy and SEM services and equipment. For additional information, refer to the CDRF website

Core Research Equipment and Instrument Training (CREAIT) Network

CREAIT maintains and operates thematic clusters of multi-user equipment, located in ten interconnected satellites across the St. John’s campus and the Ocean Sciences Centre. The following research facilities are part of the CREAIT Network:

View the CREAIT Network website for more information.