Selectives and Electives Teaching and Assessment
Teaching Selectives
- General information about Selectives can be found here.
- There are no prescribed clinical experiences; preceptors should provide students with appropriate learning opportunities to experience all aspects of a specific specialty or discipline. Students can complete mandatory or optional procedures during the Selective as it applies to a specific specialty or discipline.
- If a faculty member is approached by students regarding Selectives, they should refer students to the Undergraduate Medical Education Office which is responsible for Selective placements (contact The UGME Office coordinates with the individual disciplines to place students for their Selectives and ensures students meet all necessary criteria for a Selective placement.
Teaching Electives
- General information about Electives can be found here.
- There are no prescribed clinical experiences for Electives; preceptors should provide students with appropriate learning opportunities to experience all aspects of a specific specialty or discipline. Students can complete mandatory or optional procedures during the Elective as it applies to a specific specialty or discipline.
- There are no Academic Half Days scheduled for students during Electives.
- If a faculty member is approached by students regarding Electives, they should refer students to the Undergraduate Medical Education Office which is responsible Elective placements(contact The UGME Office coordinates with the individual disciplines to place students for their Electives and ensures students meet all necessary criteria for an Elective placement.
Assessment for Electives and Selectives
Summative assessment is performed using ITARs. Preceptors normally complete the ITAR on the last day of the rotation so that the assessment can be discussed with the student. Students are given the opportunity to request reconsideration of an ITAR if the student does not agree with the assessment.