
News Release

REF NO.: 30

SUBJECT: PSA: Public lecture: Sleep as a Foundation for Health

DATE: March 12, 2018

Sleep – Why do we do it? How do we do it? And how can you fix it if it gets off track?
Dr. Sheila Garland is the director of the Sleep, Health and Wellness Lab at Memorial University. She will discuss sleep and how to use the latest in sleep science to improve overall well-being at an upcoming public lecture.
Dr. Garland is a clinical psychologist and assistant professor of psychology and oncology at Memorial.
Her research includes the promotion of healthy sleep behaviours and the prevention and treatment of insomnia using novel and well-established interventions. She also explores how individual preference for insomnia treatment can influence adherence and outcomes, and works to understand how these interventions might affect physical and mental health at a biological level.
Dr. Garland's lecture will take place on Thursday, March 15 at 7 p.m. in the Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation, room IIC-2001. Limited free parking is available in lot 17. All are welcome.

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