
News Release

REF NO.: 42

SUBJECT: Public lecture about potential oil spill accidents

DATE: December 14, 2015

The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Memorial University will host a public lecture on Wednesday, Dec. 16, about offshore oil spill response in harsh environments.

Dr. Helen Zhang will talk about environmentally friendly dispersants, how to comprehensively evaluate the performance of dispersion and is the biodegradability of dispersed oil increased or decreased.

Dr. Zhang is an associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Memorial. Her research expertise and interests lie in the areas of offshore oil spill response, soil and groundwater remediation, marine oily wastewater treatment, offshore reservoir souring control, solid waste composting, biological interactions affecting pollutant transport and northern environmental studies.

This Speaking of Engineering lecture series, hosted by the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Memorial University and the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland and Labrador, will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 16, at 7:30 p.m., in the Engineering building’s Angus Bruneau Engineering Lecture Theatre, room EN-2006, on Memorial’s St. John’s campus. Admission is free. Parking is available in lot 22. All are welcome. Reception to follow.

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