
News Release

REF NO.: 128

SUBJECT: Public meeting at Memorial University on how immune systems can cure cancer

DATE: May 29, 2013

 Are you, or someone you care for, being treated for a cancer of the blood or lymphoma system? There will be a public meeting Thursday, May 30, at the Johnson GEO CENTRE on Signal Hill in St. John’s from 6:30-9:30 p.m. on Adoptive T-Cell Therapy for Cancer: How Your Immune System Can Cure Cancer.
The keynote speaker for this event, which is sponsored by the Newfoundland and Labrador Thrombosis, Blood and Immune Disorders Education and Research group, is Dr. Kevin Curran of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.
Dr. Curran will discuss the latest research in this new field of therapy, which genetically alters a patient’s own immune cells to fight cancer. There will also be a presentation on childhood leukemia and presentations by both a cancer survivor and a family caregiver.
This event is open to the public and admission is free.

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