
News Release

REF NO.: 155

SUBJECT: PSA: Free gardening workshop to explore seed-saving

DATE: June 5, 2013

Are you interested in growing locally adapted vegetables and flowers while preserving biological diversity? A workshop hosted by the Memorial University Community Garden and Seeds of Diversity will tell you everything you need to know about saving your own seeds this growing season.
All members of the public are invited to join Sarah Crocker, of Seed to Spoon Co-op, and Dan Rubin, of Perfectly Perennial, on Thursday, June 13, at 6:30 p.m. in room QC-4001 of Queen’s College at Memorial University’s St. John’s campus for a free workshop about saving seeds.
The discussion will explore what seed-saving is all about, explain its importance to your garden and introduce techniques to help you save seeds. Open pollinated and heirloom varieties of seed will be available to participants.
The workshop is free of charge but you must RSVP to attend. Please send an email to communitygarden@mun.ca. For more information about the Memorial University Community Garden, please see www.mun.ca/communitygarden.   

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