Traffic notification – changes to roadway in front of Arts and Administration building

Sep 13th, 2023

Facilities Management is advising of changes beginning by the end of day Thursday, Sept. 14, to alter traffic flow from one-way to two-way traffic in front of the Arts and Administration building. Signage will be placed indicating two-way traffic. Please see the map below of the area to view the new configuration. This update is required to facilitate traffic movement within campus considering the ongoing City of St. John’s work on Elizabeth Avenue.

Two-way traffic PDF


This change allows drivers easier access to other campus entrance and exit points and increases the drivers’ ability to avoid the construction zone. The city will also require occasional closures of the entrances off of Elizabeth Avenue. Drivers are urged to pay attention in the area and around campus, reduce speed, obey all signage and directions given by construction personnel. Pedestrians in the area should also use extra caution. Campus Enforcement and Patrol (CEP) are increasing their presence in the area to ensure traffic observes posted signage and regulations. For more details or questions related to the Elizabeth Avenue project, please contact the City of St. John’s. Facilities Management and the Parking Office appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time and thank you for your attention to maintain safe roadways.