Emergency blue phones

Nov 24th, 2015

Michelle Osmond

Emergency blue phone
Emergency blue phones

The user can talk with a CEP officer and inform him/her of what is wrong. Simultaneously, the officer can see the user as all phones have a surveillance camera located nearby which allows the Officer to determine the nature of the emergency. 

When the button is pushed, the location of the phone comes up in the CCC, thus allowing CEP to know immediately where the phone is located. The officer can talk to the user while dispatching other officers to that location. Each phone has a blue light, which will activate when the button is pushed. This will alert the university community that an emergency situation is in progress.

All incidents and/or accidents on the university campus involving actual or potential danger to life or property should be communicated immediately to the Campus Enforcement and Patrol Office.

For a map of blue phone locations, visit here.