Community Hubs
The Emera Innovation Exchange (EIX) is the public engagement and innovation space at Memorial’s Signal Hill Campus. We are joining Memorial’s Community Hubs program to expand our role as a dynamic space for collaborating, learning and connecting.
Community Hubs are spaces that connect the university with communities across Newfoundland and Labrador, fostering collaboration and increasing capacity. The main objective of the hubs project is to provide Internet connectivity in various locations throughout the province and to give people a place to learn, while also facilitating community-university relationships.
Our facility provides a creative collaborative space with access to the latest digital technologies. By opening our doors, we are enhancing access to technology and providing people with the ability to engage in educational opportunities, workshops and projects, helping to build stronger, more innovative communities.
If you are interested in discussing programming opportunities at this hub, please contact Erin Croft at
There are a selection of meeting rooms available for booking with full A/V capabilities. To learn more, view availability or book meeting rooms, view our booking calendar.