University Policy


Capital Projects

Approval Date: 2015-12-03

Effective Date: 2016-12-20

Review Date: 2019-12-03


Campus Planning and Development Committee through the Vice-President (Administration and Finance)


To establish a formal process for the identification, prioritization, approval, development, and delivery of capital projects.

To define the standard project profile and supporting documents for all programming and financial data related to a project.

To define protocols for the involvement of stakeholder representatives in the programming, development, and acceptance of design processes.


All Capital Projects regardless of the source of funding. For Information Technology projects, refer to the Information Technology Project Approval policy.


Campus Facilities Management — Refers to the unit(s) at each campus responsible for management of facilities and capital work.

Concept Design — An early developmental stage of a project representing design development drawings at 30% and a Class D estimate.

CPDC — Campus Planning and Development Committee. A standing committee of the Board of Regents whose responsibilities include the consideration of Major Capital Projects as they relate to general planning for physical facilities.

Major Capital Project — A capital project that has a funding requirement in excess of $5,000,000, and may include:

  • the establishment of a new space including construction of new buildings,
  • external additions to existing structures,
  • other changes to the footprint of existing structures,
  • redevelopment of existing space costing greater than the 50% of the cost value of the building,
  • grounds improvements that alter function and use.
  • special infrastructure processes which exceed normal maintenance guidelines and which require significant capital outlay (in excess of $5,000,000).

Funding is assigned outside of the University operating budget.

Minor Capital Project — A capital project that has funding requirement equal to or less than $5,000,000 and may include:

  • the establishment of a new space including construction of new buildings,
  • external additions to existing structures,
  • other changes to the footprint of existing structures,
  • redevelopment of existing space costing less than 50% of the cost value of the building,
  • grounds improvements that alter function and use.

Prime Consultant — An architectural or engineering firm which has the prime responsibility for the project.

Project Brief — A description of the scope of work which gives potential bidders an overview of the project and is included in the Request for Proposals.

Project Manager — The individual assigned from Campus Facilities Management who is responsible for the effective execution of the project work.

Project Sponsor — Senior administrator whose role is to champion, oversee and advocate for the project, its requirements, and ensure support within the University community.

SAC — Selection Advisory Committee. Representatives from Facilities Management and user groups who review the Request for Proposals document, review and analyze proposals received, and provide a summary of findings to VPC via the Associate Vice-President (Facilities).

Steering Committee — The group of high level members, or groups, which is chaired by the Project Sponsor, and who act as the decision making authority for a project, representing the requirements of all stakeholders and ensuring that the project manager has the necessary authority, resources and direction to execute the project successfully.

University — Memorial University of Newfoundland.

VPC — Vice-Presidents Council.


1. Minor Capital Projects will be approved at the appropriate operational level within the University and in accordance with the Procedure for Approval of Minor Capital Projects and the Procedure for Management of Minor Capital Projects.

2. The following process must be used to guide the approval, development, and delivery of Major Capital Projects.

a. The Director of Engineering and Construction, Facilities Management is responsible for the administration of campus design standards, technical evaluation of project proposals, development of project estimates, and coordination and administration of project design, development and delivery services. 

b. Upon recommendation from VPC, the CPDC reviews and prioritizes all Major Capital Projects for inclusion on a planning priorities list for recommendation to the Board of Regents. This CPDC ensures compliance with strategic planning directions as set forth by the Board of Regents. 

c. These plans may be documented through a variety of sources including institutional plans and frameworks, Campus Master Plans, Deferred Maintenance/Capital Renewal Plans. The CPDC is also responsible for final recommendation of a Major Capital Project before it is submitted to the Board of Regents.


Related Documents

Preliminary Project Estimate form
Preliminary Capital Project Proposal Summary form
Detailed Project Estimate form
Formal Capital Project Approval Request form
NLAA and CENL Guidelines and Recommended Minimum Fees for Architectural and Engineering Projects
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Infrastructure Approval Framework



For inquiries related to this policy:

Department of Facilities Management, 709-864-7600


Vice-President (Administration, Finance and Advancement)



Previous Versions:

There is at least one previous version of this policy. Contact the Policy Office to view earlier version(s)

Approval Date: 2015-12-03
Effective Date: 2015-12-03
Approval Date: 2010-02-08
Effective Date: 2013-04-09
Approval Date: 2010-02-08
Effective Date: 2010-02-08
Approval Date: 1999-06-10
Effective Date: 1999-06-10
Policy Amendment History

There are past amendments for this policy:

Date: 2019-05-23 15:46:25
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Connected definitions using the definitions from the glossary.
Date: 2024-09-11 10:42:52
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Updated to reflect Vice-President titles as approved by the Board of Regents December 7, 2023