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Procedure for Selection and Appointment of Consultants for a Minor Capital Project

Approval Date: 2016-12-06

Effective Date: 2016-12-06

Responsible Unit: Department of Facilities Management


1. The Engineering and Construction section of Facilities Management on the St. John’s campus prepares and maintains a list of qualified consultants as a source file that is reviewed and approved at the start of each calendar year by the Associate Vice-President (Facilities). 

2. The list is inclusive of information relating to consulting firms’ capabilities and expertise, past performance, and noted strengths and weaknesses which aids in the assignment of projects to consultants based on the project requirements.

3. The Director of Engineering and Construction continually accepts updated information from those firms in the list and as well as submissions from those firms wishing to be included in this list.

4. For Minor Capital projects whose funding value is $1,000,000 or less or for specialized consulting  in support of studies, plans or maintenance whose direct consulting fees are $50,000 or less, Project Managers at all campuses consult the list, seek advice of the Director of Engineering and Construction, where applicable and assign / award the commission to a suitable, qualified Consultant based a review of their capability, suitability, resource availability, managerial ability and proposed fee.  The decision is communicated to the Consultant as well as the Director of Engineering and Construction.

5. For Minor Capital projects whose costs are $1,000,000 or more, the following process must be followed.

a. Prime Consultants are selected through a Limited Call for Proposals process.  Campus Facilities Management determines the type of consulting service required and develops a  Project Brief for use in the selection process outlined below.
b. Campus Facilities Management recommends to the Associate Vice-President (Facilities) a Selection Advisory Committee (SAC) consisting of:

 i. Representatives of both the Stakeholder Groups and Project Management Team, and
 ii. Others as appropriate for the project

c. Individuals who are recommended for the SAC must be aware of and comply with the Universities Conflict of Interest policy.
d. The Associate Vice-President (Facilities) approves the membership of the SAC.
e. The Project Manager consults the list, seeks advice of the Director of Engineering and Construction, where applicable and establishes a shortlist of suitable, qualified consultants  based on a review of their capability, suitability, resource availability, managerial ability and proposed fee.
The Project Manager invites a minimum of two (2) candidate Prime Consultants to submit a brief indicating the makeup and expertise of the architectural and/or engineering team (including sub-consultants) proposed for the project, the understanding of the proposed project, the manner in which the work is intended to be performed, and the fee structure. At the discretion of the Director of Engineering and Construction, a Request-for-Proposals process may be used.  See Procedure for Selecting a Prime Consultant via a Request-for-proposals Process.
g. The SAC prepares a report on its findings which clearly identifies the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate Consultant and includes a recommendation of the preferred Consultant.  The report is forwarded for review and approval by the Associate Vice-President (Facilities). Upon approval, the Project Manager communicates the decision to the successful Consultant, as well as the Director of Engineering and Construction and the Project Manager.
h. Presentations may be requested from shortlisted Consultants in order to make the final recommendation for negotiation of a contract.

6. On an annual basis, the Director of Engineering and Construction prepares a report, the same report prepared in accordance with the Procedure for Selecting a Prime Consultant via a Request-for-Proposals Process, which indicates the consultants name, nature, scope and value of each commission over the previous year.  This report is submitted to the Associate Vice-President (Facilities), Vice-President (Finance and Administration), President, as well as the Campus Planning and Development Committee.

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