
Local daycare centres charge between $20-$60+ per day, depending on your child's age and the type of care required. In addition to care for children under the age of 5 many childcare centres also offer after school care. It is highly recommended that you research several daycare centres or after school programs to compare rates and to find the approriate care that works for you and your family.

The Childcare Centre at Memorial UniversityMemorial's Childcare Centre offers childcare services to students, faculty, staff and the general public. Priority is given to children of Memorial University student parents, then to faculty and staff of Memorial University. Any remaining spaces are available to the general public.

Learn more about the programs offered by the university Childcare Centre here.

Early Learning and Childhood Directory Map - The provincial Department of Education and Early Childhood Development maintains a Early Learning and Child Care Directory Map designed to show the location of regulated child care services and family resource programming in Newfoundland and Labrador. This map can be found here.