Scholarships, bursaries and awards for current undergraduate students
The following scholarships, bursaries and awards are available to undergraduate students currently enrolled at Memorial. Those listed below are not specific to an academic discipline.
150 RCAF Wing Memorial Scholarship
This Scholarship, valued at a portion of the annual accrued interest on the endowment, will be tenable only at Memorial University of Newfoundland to a full time undergraduate student in any year or field of study, based on scholarship standing. Consideration may be given to students demonstrating financial need. The Scholarship will be available to: (1) a Wing member (as defined by the Constitution) or *relative of a Wing member; (2) an Air Force Veteran or a *relative of an Air Force Veteran; (3) an Air Cadet/ex Air Cadet of the 515 North Atlantic Squadron (defined as any person who has served for two years and is/was in good standing at present or at the time of departure from his/her Air Cadet Unit). *Note: Relative is defined as son/daughter; grandson/daughter; great-grandson/daughter; brother/sister; nephew/niece. The Scholarship may be awarded to the same applicant more than once. If in any given year, there is no eligible candidate, two scholarships may be awarded in the following year at the discretion of the trustees. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. Applications are available on our website:, at 150 RCAF Wing, or from the Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards Office, A-1002, Arts Building, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Applicants will be required to submit a personal letter of application, stating goals, personal achievements and financial need. Applications are to be submitted in writing to 150 RCAF Wing - Memorial Scholarship Committee, 565 Roosevelt Avenue, Pleasantville, St. John's, NL, A1A 5B2. You may contact us by telephone at (709) 753-8970.
Affinity NL (Ottawa) Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible by the fund raising efforts of the Ottawa Affinity Newfoundland and Labrador group and is valued at a portion of the income on the investment according to Memorial University of Newfoundland’s Awards Program Spending Policy. Based on scholarship standing (academic excellence), it will be awarded in an alternating fashion to a first year undergraduate student (entering their second year) and then a first-year graduate student (entering the first year of either a Master's or Ph.D. program). The student must be from a rural community in Newfoundland and Labrador, express an interest in returning to work in rural Newfoundland, and be registered for full-time studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Rural is defined as outside St. John’s and Corner Brook as determined by the Centre for Institutional Analysis and Planning, or an equivalent University or Government body. When awarded to an undergraduate student, the Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. When awarded to a graduate student, it will be awarded by the Dean of Graduate Studies upon the recommendation of the Awards and Medals Committee.
Paul Antle Entrepreneurial Award
This award was established by a generous donation from Paul Antle. Paul is an award-winning entrepreneur from St. John’s who graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1985 with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. He went on to receive a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from University of New Brunswick in 1987 and, in 2007, graduated from the Harvard Business School as co-Valedictorian. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student in any field of study with a proven interest in entrepreneurship. The student will have demonstrated an entrepreneurial mindset and the leadership qualities associated with entrepreneurial success. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of Memorial’s Centre for Entrepreneurship in consultation with the Dean of the appropriate discipline.
Arnold's Cove, Come By Chance, North Harbour Fishers and Newfoundland Transshipment Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Newfoundland Transshipment Limited (NTL) as part of an agreement between them and the Fishers Liaison Committee (FLC) of the Arnold’s Cove, Come By Chance and the North Harbour area. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually on the basis of scholarship standing to a Fisher or his/her descendant(s) who is registered as a full-time student at Memorial University of Newfoundland in any year or field of study. In the event that no applicants are received from Fishers or Fishers’ descendants in a given year, the scholarship may be awarded to another student from above noted geographic areas. Eligibility of applicants under the above criteria will be verified by the Fisheries Liaison Committee (FLC). Memorial University of Newfoundland is encouraged to ensure that the scholarship is alternated between communities and their eligible students. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of an application which may be obtained from and returned to the FLC for appropriate verification.
Ashbridge Scholarships/Bursaries
These awards, at least three at $500.00 each, are tenable to students beyond the first-year level of undergraduate programs. They are awarded on the basis of financial need and scholarship standing.
Baccalieu Trail Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, is made possible by the fund raising efforts of the Baccalieu Trail Chapter of the Alumni Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Based on scholarship standing the scholarship will be awarded to a student who is a resident of the Baccalieu Trail Region or has been a permanent resident of the region for the completion of their secondary education. The student must have successfully completed their first year of study and be entering second year of full- time study at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Baird-Stephenson Scholarship
This Scholarship, valued at $1,000.00 is to be awarded annually to a Memorial University of Newfoundland student in any year or field of study. It is named for Mrs. Edna Baird-Stephenson and her late husband, both of whom were former members of Memorial University of Newfoundland's faculty. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence.
Barnes House Bursaries
Two bursaries of $600.00 each have been donated by Dr. Charles Loader former Proctor of Barnes House and are tenable only by residents of Barnes House, Paton College, who have resided in the House for at least one semester prior to application. The awards will be made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards acting on the advice of a committee established by the Proctor of Barnes House. In making the awards, financial need and academic performance in the previous year will be taken into consideration. The bursaries will not be given to students who hold other major awards and will be paid in two equal instalments over two semester, payment in the second semester being dependent upon the recipients maintaining at least a "B" average. If there are no suitable candidates, the bursaries will not be awarded. Applications are available from the Residence Assistants, the Proctor or the Paton College Office. The deadline date for application is March 15.
Tonya Bassler Memorial Award for New Canadians
This award was established by a generous donation from Dr. Gerhard Bassler in memory of his wife, Tonya Bassler. She devoted her professional career to teaching and helping refugees and immigrants in Newfoundland and Labrador start successful new lives in Canada. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this award will be granted annually to a student who came to Canada as a refugee, resides in Newfoundland and Labrador and is enrolled in any undergraduate degree program at Memorial University of Newfoundland’s St. John’s or Grenfell campus. This award is renewable for up to 3 additional years, 4 years in total, if the student continues in an undergraduate program at the university and maintains clear academic standing. Recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. This award will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Joanne Bath Rural Student Bursary
This bursary was established by Ms. Joanne Bath. Hailing from La Scie, NL, Joanne obtained a Bachelor of Social Work from Memorial University of Newfoundland. While working for a time in the social work field, Joanne was serendipitously introduced to fundraising, where she discovered a penchant for development relationship-building and ultimately, helping others. With a strong personal belief in the power of philanthropy, Joanne was moved to create this award so as to help others have the same opportunities that she has been afforded. Valued at $500.00 annually, the bursary will be awarded to a student in any year of study and faculty at Memorial University’s St. John’s Campus. First preference will be given to an undergraduate student from the town of La Scie, Newfoundland and Labrador. If there is no eligible student from La Scie, the candidate will have graduated from any rural high school in Newfoundland and Labrador. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by the University. The bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards.
E.A. Bishop (1889-1953) Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, established to honour the memory of E.A. Bishop, a teacher in Newfoundland and Labrador, is the result of a generous donation to Memorial University of Newfoundland by his son, John. Interest on the fund will provide a scholarship to full-time undergraduate students after completion of their first year at Memorial University of Newfoundland who are dependants of teachers in the public school system of Newfoundland and Labrador. Applicants must be students in the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences or Science and be of scholarship standing. The scholarship is valued at approximately two semesters tuition for five courses. If, in any year, there is no eligible candidate, the scholarship will not be awarded; however, a student may be awarded the scholarship more than once. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Glenn Roy Blundon Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at $500.00, has been established by the family, friends and fellow students of the late Glenn Roy Blundon, a former student of Memorial University of Newfoundland who, despite his severe physical disability, succeeded in his studies and made a significant contribution to student life. In the awarding of this scholarship, preference will be given to academically qualified students with disabilities but those enrolled in the Special Education Program may be considered when no candidates are available from the first group. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Gary Bourne Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is the result of an endowment to the University funded largely by donations resulting from fundraising efforts of Gary's colleagues at the Office of Financial and Administrative Services. Valued at a portion of the annual accrued interest on the endowment it will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing to an undergraduate student who is a dependent of a current, retired or deceased staff member of Memorial University of Newfoundland. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Doctor William Boyle Scholarships
Under the will of the late Dr. Robert William Boyle, the University, in 1956, received bequests establishing two scholarships, one in memory of the testator's mother, Sophie (Maddock) Boyle, to be awarded to a female student attending the University; and the other in memory of his father, Albert Desbrisay Boyle, to be awarded to a male student attending the University. The scholarships are to be awarded to the students who, having attended the University for a period of at least two years, are, in the opinion of the governing body of the University, best qualified in virtue of all-round attainment. Each scholarship will be tenable for two years and the emolument will be the income accruing from the bequest during the period of tenure of the scholarship.
Cori Brown Memorial Award
This award was established by Murray Brown and Barbara James to honour their beloved daughter, Cori Meagan Brown. Cori was born on November 24th, 1992 and passed away suddenly from natural causes, February 8th, 2018, at the age of 25. Her beautiful and giving spirit deeply touched everyone she knew. She was a dedicated employee of The Works for many years and was well respected by her co-workers and members. Cori showed a genuine interest and care for all members at The Works, from toddlers to senior citizens. She will forever be missed by family, friends, co-workers and her former classmates at the College of the North Atlantic. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the award will be granted to a full-time undergraduate student at Memorial University of Newfoundland who is employed at The Works. Eligible candidates will be beyond their first year of study and preference will be given to a student who shows commitment to their role and who strives to provide the highest quality service to the users of The Works. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors, The Works on the basis of an application which is available at The Works administration office or through
Keith Burt Entrepreneurial Award for International Students
This award was established by Paul and Marie Burt in memory of Keith Burt, who started the first Paint Shop franchise in Newfoundland and Labrador, opened on Topsail Road in 1975. Keith was a true entrepreneur. Despite having a young family and no safety net, he quit his job as an Office Manager to pursue his dream of becoming self-employed. Although he passed away suddenly in 1987, Keith’s early contributions helped build the foundation of this successful, Newfoundland-based business. Valued at $500 annually, the award will be granted to an international student who has been accepted for an entrepreneurial work term/internship through the Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship (MCE). There will be one award granted per semester (Fall 2023; Winter 2024; Spring 2024). The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The award will be granted awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Director, Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship.
CITL Online Education Award
Established by the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) and valued at $1,100, this award will be granted to a student who is entering their fourth year of any undergraduate program at Memorial University of Newfoundland and who has completed at least fifty per cent of their undergraduate course work, up to the end of the winter semester in the previous scholarship year, online. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Director, Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning.
Calgary Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship is being established through the fund raising efforts of the Calgary Alumni Branch of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Alumni Association. The scholarship, valued at a portion of the income on the investment, will be available to an undergraduate student, beyond first year, in any field of study who is a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador (a person who has maintained permanent residence in the Province for a minimum of twelve months immediately prior to entering the University) and who demonstrates academic excellence. Based on scholarship standing it will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Canadian Federation of University Women St. John's Undergraduate Bursary
This Bursary was established by the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) St. John’s, an organization committed to promoting equality for women and girls. It will be awarded to women who are enrolled beyond their second year of full-time undergraduate studies and have graduated from a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador. The number and value of the Bursaries, as well as the faculty, department or school of the recipients, are determined on a year by year basis by the CFUW Scholarship Committee. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for the Bursary as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The Bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the respective Dean or Department Head of the faculty, department or school receiving the allocation in a given year.
Canadian Federation of University Women St. John's Undergraduate Scholarship
This Scholarship was established by the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) St. John’s, an organization committed to promoting equality for women and girls. It will be awarded to women who are enrolled beyond their second year of full-time undergraduate studies and have graduated from a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador. The number and value of the Scholarships, as well as the faculty, department or school of the recipients, are determined on a year by year basis by the CFUW Scholarship Committee. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for the Scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the respective Dean or Department Head of the faculty, department or school receiving the allocation in a given year.
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (Newfoundland Branch) Golden Jubilee Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, will be awarded to a student entering the final year of undergraduate studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Based on scholarship standing, the scholarship will be available to a student majoring in a field of study that is covered by the fields of interest of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum specifically; Earth Sciences, Geophysics, Geography, Economics, Environmental Science, Engineering, Business and Commerce. Preference will be given to a student with demonstrated financial need. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Roland (Rex) Carter Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2014 in memory of Roland (Rex) Carter, employee of the Department of Technical Services. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to students who are children, grandchildren, siblings, legal guardians, nieces, nephews or spouses of current, retired or deceased employees or former employees with a minimum of five years service in the Department of Technical Services at Memorial University. Preference will be given to students entering their first year at Memorial University, but all undergraduate students are eligible. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University. In the case of ties between candidates, financial need may be used as a determining factor. The scholarship will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of an application which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Harvey and June Chafe Memorial Bursary
The Harvey and June Chafe Memorial Bursary was established by a generous bequest from the Estate of June Maria Chafe. Valued at a portion of the income on the investment, it will be awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student at Memorial University of Newfoundland in any field of study. The recipient must have demonstrated financial need and meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
St. Lawrence Anglican Church Bursary
This bursary was established by St. Lawrence Anglican Church. Valued at $3,000 annually, the bursary will be awarded to an undergraduate student in any year of any undergraduate degree program at Memoria University of Newfoundland. Preference will be given to a student who is a resident of Portugal Cove-St. Phillips. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by the University. The bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Marion (Ward Hue) Christian Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at a portion of the income from the endowment, is the result of a generous donation by Dr. David Ward, and is established in memory of his mother, Marion (Ward Hue) Christian. Originally from Trinity, Trinity Bay, Marion worked with the Department of Public Health helping elderly adults learn to read before going on to Columbia University and Emory College to study special education and geriatrics. She later served as the Deputy Director of the Hoyles Home, St. John’s until her retirement. The scholarship recipient will be a full-time undergraduate student beyond first year who must demonstrate financial need as well as scholarship standing. The student must be from an area of Newfoundland and Labrador outside of metropolitan St. John’s and Corner Brook. Although students in all areas of study are eligible, preference will be given to those studying in the sciences. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Coca-Cola Scholarship for International Studies
This scholarship, valued at the annual interest on its endowment, has been established from contributions to the University's Opportunity Fund Campaign by The Coca-Cola Foundation. It will be awarded to a student who has completed at least two years of a degree program at Memorial University of Newfoundland and who has been accepted to attend a recognized university outside Canada for one or two semesters of study for transfer credit to Memorial University of Newfoundland towards completion of his/her undergraduate degree.
Coinamatic Residence Award
This award was established by Coinamatic Canada Inc. Valued at $1,000 annually, the award will be granted to a student who lives in university residence in the current winter semester and also lived in residence the previous fall semester and who has shown exceptional leadership in raising environmental awareness and in environmental projects and activities. The recipient must be nominated for the award. Students may nominate themselves or may be nominated by another student or a member of Student Residences. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Director, Student Residences, in consultation with the Manager, Residence Life.
Colbourne Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established by a generous gift from the estate of Alexander T. (Sandy) Colbourne with additional funding provided by his daughter Dr. Ann Colbourne. Sandy, a local businessman and community leader and his wife, Blanche, instilled an appreciation of higher education and service in both their children, Peter and Ann. This gift honours these values. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, one or more scholarships will be awarded annually to students who have completed their first year of studies in any faculty or school at Memorial University’s St. John’s campus. Recipients must have demonstrated leadership ability and meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the University. This scholarship is renewable for an additional two years, three years in total, provided the successful candidates maintain scholarship standing. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic).
Compass Group Canada Scholarship
From a sum of money donated by Compass Group Canada, a scholarship fund has been established for students who reside in Paton College, who have completed their second year of studies while in residence and who will return to residence for their third year. The awards, valued at a minimum of $1,000.00, will be made annually on the basis of academic excellence. The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage senior students of high academic calibre to live in residence.
Raymond J. Condon Memorial Alumni Award
This award commemorates Raymond J. Condon, Memorial graduate and first principal of the Labrador West Campus of Labrador College. It was established in 1993 through generous donations from family and friends under the sponsorship of the Labrador West branch of the MUN Alumni Association. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this award will be granted to a student who has completed their first year Comprehensive Arts and Science (CAS) Transfer Program at the Labrador West Campus of the College of the North Atlantic and is transferring to Memorial University of Newfoundland the following year. The recipient must have completed a minimum of 9 credit courses that are transferrable to Memorial University and received a minimum 60% average in all courses at the end of the academic year. This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Campus Director, Labrador West Campus, College of the North Atlantic.
Country Ribbon Scholarship
This scholarship is available to dependants (sons, daughters or wards) of employees of Country Ribbon. Valued at $1,000.00 annually it will be awarded, with first preference, to an entrance student registered for full-time studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. If no suitable candidate can be identified from the first group the scholarship may be awarded to an undergraduate student registered for full-time studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Based on scholarship standing it will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Crowley Bursaries
These bursaries, one or more valued at a minimum of $1,000.00 each annually, are the result of the interest on an endowment to the University by Mr. Ronald Crowley. In awarding these bursaries preference will be given to undergraduate sons or daughters of fisherpersons whenever possible. However, when such candidates cannot be identified the bursaries will be awarded to other eligible undergraduate students at Memorial University of Newfoundland. In both cases candidates may be in any year or field of study. They will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing and financial need as defined by the University.
Crow’s Nest Officers’ Club Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Crow’s Nest Officers’ Club Inc. to honour the 75th anniversary of the Club’s founding. Established in 1942, the Crow’s Nest Officers’ Club, a National Historic Site, is committed to maintaining the historic character of the Club and its artifacts, and to remembering and commemorating its wartime history and the commitment of the allied naval and merchant marine personnel who served during the Battle of the Atlantic. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this scholarship is tenable to students in their second or third year of any degree programme. The scholarship will be based on academic standing, demonstrated leadership and participation in student life, and community service. Financial need may also be considered. This scholarship will be awarded annually by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
David Curran Award in Regional Development
This award was created in recognition of David Curran, a passionate advocate and tireless champion of rural Newfoundland and Labrador. It was established by the Harris Centre, the Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Economic Development Association, and Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador to recognize Mr. Curran’s impact on rural Newfoundland and Labrador, and to encourage that same spirit of community development innovation in undergraduate students at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Valued at a portion of the income of the investment, the award will be granted annually to a student beyond first year enrolled in any program with a study focus in a field relating to regional development. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. To apply for this award, students are to submit a paper on the topic of regional development along with an application form. The paper may be one prepared for a course or specifically for this application. Application forms will be available through the Harris Centre’s online application system at The application deadline is January 31st. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee of the Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development.
Reverend Doctor Levi Curtis Bursary
This bursary has a value of at least $200.00 and is awarded each year to a student who is a candidate for the ministry of the United Church, a child of a minister of the United Church, or the child of a needy United Churchman. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Jennifer Cutler Memorial Award
This Award was established by several staff within the Office of Development in memory of a dear colleague, Jennifer Cutler, who passed away in January 2016. Valued at $500 annually, the award will be granted to a child, legal guardian or dependent of a current, retired or deceased staff member at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The Donors recognize that although academic excellence is commendable, it is not the only criteria for acknowledging the hard work and perseverance of pursuing an education. Preference will be given to a student who is not in receipt of another scholarship, bursary or award administered by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards at the time of granting this Award. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The Award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of an application which is available at the Scholarships and Awards website.
DISC Student Involvement Award
This award was established by the MUN Disability Information Support Centre (DISC). Valued at $500 each, two awards will be granted annually to students who self-identify as having a disability. The recipients can be in any program and year of study at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference will go to students who are involved with student life, community volunteer work or maintain a high academic average. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. An application is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Donald W.K. Dawe Memorial Scholarship
This annual scholarship, valued at $500.00, has been established by the family, friends and associates of the late Donald W.K. Dawe, Q.C., who attended the Memorial University College in 1933-34. In making the award, preference may be given in the first instance to a needy and academically qualified student beyond the first year from outport Newfoundland and Labrador.
Don and Mona Dooley (OLOF) Thailand Scholarship
This Scholarship was established by a generous donation from the estate of Don and Mona Dooley. Don and Mona lived in Thailand from 1966-1970 while Don worked for an international company that sold wine and spirits to U.S. military bases in Thailand, Nepal and India. During their four years in Thailand the Dooley’s grew to love the country and its people. Upon their return to Newfoundland they made many return visits to Thailand to vacation and visit friends. This scholarship is their way of giving back to the country that was an important part of their lives. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a student from Thailand who meets the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship. In the event there is no qualified student from Thailand in a given year it may be awarded to an eligible student from Southeast Asia, or the funds may be held for the following year. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Vivian Douglas Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship has been established from a donation to the University by Mrs. Edna Baird-Stephenson in honour of her housekeeper Mrs. Vivian Douglas from Grand Bank. It is valued at the annual accrued interest on the initial donation and will be awarded to a student beyond first year in any field of study. It will be awarded annually on the basis of scholarship standing and financial need.
Doyle House Awards
These awards are the result of fundraising by the Doyle House Academic Committee. Three, valued at $100.00 each, will be awarded annually to residents of Doyle House. They will be awarded in the Winter semester of each year as follows:
- Highest senior resident average; to a resident of Doyle House who has resided there two consecutive semesters prior to receiving the award and who has a minimum of 70% average.
- Highest freshman resident average; to a student who had resided in Doyle House for the current and previous semester and who had a minimum of 70% average in the Fall Semester.
- Most improved average; to a student who has shown the greatest academic improvement during the most recent two semesters, who has been a resident of Doyle House for two consecutive semesters prior to receiving the award and who has a minimum of 70% average in the most recent semester he/she must have achieved at least a 50% average.
These awards will be made by the Committee in Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards acting upon a recommendation from a committee representing Student Residences and Doyle House. Additional information can be obtained from the Residence Assistants, Academic Don or Proctor of Doyle House.
Kathleen K. (Fitz-Gerald) Earle Memorial Award
This award was established by a generous donation from Memorial University of Newfoundland alumna Margaret Allan (BA’82, MBA’95) in recognition of her mother, Kathleen Earle. After having her family, at age 40, Kathleen returned to Memorial University to complete her undergraduate degree. She went on to work at the Memorial University Library for 18 years until her retirement in 1985. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be granted annually to a mature student in any year of study who self-identifies as a woman or as gender diverse. Preference will be given to a student who has a gap in studies of two or more years. The recipient may be in any undergraduate program of study and must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Dr. J. Douglas Eaton Scholarships
Upon the retirement of Dr. J. Douglas Eaton from the position of Vice-President (Student Affairs & Services) in 1983, the student body of Memorial University of Newfoundland donated a sum of money to fund two undergraduate scholarships in his honour, valued at $500.00 each. These awards, tenable to students beyond first year will be made on the basis of academic standing and demonstrated active participation in student life. In cases of competition between students of equal standing, need shall be the determining factor in awarding the scholarships. The scholarships will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards, acting on the recommendation of MUNSU.
Fraser Edison Scholarship
This scholarship is the result of a donation to the Opportunity Fund in 1999 by Mr. Fraser Edison. It will be valued at the annual interest on the endowment and will be awarded to an undergraduate student who has a recognized physical disability. An application is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Facilities Management Undergraduate Scholarship
This scholarship fund is the result of an endowment which began in 1996 as a part of the Opportunity Fund Campaign. The fund will provide one or more scholarships valued at a minimum of $500 each to students who are children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters or spouses of current or retired employees of the Department of Facilities Management, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference in awarding the scholarship(s) will be given to entrance students but undergraduates may also qualify. The scholarship(s) will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing but in the case of ties between candidates, need may be used as a determining factor. An application is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Ralph L. Finley Scholarships
Under the will of the late Mr. Ralph L. Finley, the University in 1987 received a bequest establishing two scholarships. The awards are to be tenable to needy undergraduate students, residing in the University residences during the academic year, who attain a minimum average of 70%. The value of the awards will depend on the income accruing from the bequest during the period of tenure of the scholarships. The amounts to be awarded are to be applied to the recipients' tuition and/or residence fees.
Charlie (Moo Sic) Fong Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at the annual interest (approximately $600.00 - $700.00 annually), is the result of an endowment by the Fong family in memory of their great-grandfather, Mr. Charlie (Moo Sic) Fong. It was established to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first Chinese settler in Newfoundland and to promote an awareness of the Chinese Cultural and Historical background in the Province. It will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing and financial need to an undergraduate student at Memorial University of Newfoundland with a Chinese heritage. The scholarship will be given early in Winter semester and presented to the student at a local function held to celebrate the Chinese New Year. An application is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Fortis Inc. – H. Stanley Marshall Scholarship
This scholarship is established in honour of Mr. Stanley Marshall upon the occasion of his retirement of after 35 years of service to Fortis Inc. During his time with Fortis Inc., the Corporation grew from a single utility in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador to a leader in the North American electric and gas utility business, serving customers across Canada and in the United States and the Caribbean. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the scholarship will go to support undergraduate students entering a professional school or faculty at Memorial University of Newfoundland. If there is no suitable student entering Memorial University of Newfoundland, the scholarship may be awarded to a student beyond first year. If there is no eligible student in any year of a professional program, then the scholarship may be awarded to a student in any area of study. To be eligible, candidates must have scholarship standing. Financial need may also be a consideration. The recipient must be from (in order of preference) Belize, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Cayman Islands, or other Caribbean country. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Dr. G.A. Frecker Memorial Alumni Bursaries
The Memorial University of Newfoundland Alumni Association has established, from its Annual Fund, five bursaries named in honour of the late Dr. G.A. Frecker, Chancellor, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1971-79, and valued at $500.00 each. Four of the bursaries are tenable at the St. John's campus and one at the Grenfell Campus at Corner Brook. The bursaries will be awarded annually to full- time students in any faculty or year on the basis of academic standing and financial need.
Friends of India Association Scholarship
This scholarship was established by generous donations from the Friends of India Association, one of Newfoundland and Labrador’s pioneer community groups that celebrates Indian culture and promotes cross-cultural understanding. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the scholarship will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student beyond their first year of studies who is enrolled full-time in any program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the University. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
General Motors Undergraduate Scholarship
This scholarship was established by General Motors of Canada Limited with contributions to the University’s Opportunity Fund Campaign. Interest from the fund will provide one or more scholarships to support individuals who qualify as Indigenous or members of a visible minority and/or have a physical disability. It will be awarded to students in any year or faculty or school at Memorial University of Newfoundland. It will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing. An application is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Green Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established by a generous bequest from Ada Lucille Green Nemec (1925-2019). The Green family had a long history of blacksmithing in Trinity, Trinity Bay, with the family forge operating from 1750 until the death of Ada’s father, Andrew, in 1955. Ada attended Memorial College, Mount Allison University, and McGill University where she received a Bachelor of Library Science degree in 1948. She worked as a librarian at Memorial College and Memorial University. As the last of the Green family, Ada’s love of Trinity and its history was evident when she donated the forge and all its blacksmithing tools to the Trinity Historical Trust. Valued at a portion of the annual distribution from the testamentary trust, the scholarship will be awarded to one or more undergraduate students from the Bonavista Peninsula (excluding Clarenville) who are registered full time in their second year of studies of any undergraduate degree program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The exact number and value of the scholarships are dependent on the amount of funds received and will be determined at the discretion of the Provost. Students may be considered to receive this scholarship in multiple years. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for scholarship standing as defined by the University. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
William J. and Sheila Gushue Scholarship
This scholarship was established by an anonymous donor to honour Dr. William (“Bill”) Gushue, a professor in the Faculty of Education, Head of the Department of Educational Foundations from 1971 to 1975, Associate Dean of Education from 1975 to 1977, and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies from 1977 to 1979, and his wife, Sheila, the first Information Officer with the Faculty of Medicine. Valued at $2,500 annually, it is open to any undergraduate student at Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s campus, who has scholarship standing. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Joan Haire Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is the result of an endowment which began in 1997 as a part of the Opportunity Fund Campaign. The fund will provide a scholarship valued at a minimum of $500 to students who are children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or spouses of current, retired or deceased employees or former employees with a minimum of five years service in the Department of Technical Services, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference in awarding the scholarship will be given to entrance students but undergraduates may also qualify. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing but in the case of ties between candidates, need may be used as a determining factor. An application is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Frederick J. Hancock Scholarship
This scholarship is the interest on a sum of money donated to the University by Frederick J. Hancock, former Sergeant of the Newfoundland Constabulary who served as a member of the Force for twenty-five years until his retirement in 1963. Preference in the awarding of this scholarship will be given to sons and daughters of active, retired or deceased members of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary. Candidates must be enrolled in full-time studies at the University and possess scholarship standing. When no candidates can be found from the above category, the scholarship may be awarded to any full-time student on the basis of academic merit. An application is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
A. Bryant Harding Family Bursary
This bursary was established by a generous donation from the Bryant Harding Family. Mr. Harding was from a founding family in Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and as a respected leader, valued education and commitment to his community. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a student in any year of study in any undergraduate degree program at the St. John’s or Grenfell Campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference will be given to a student who is part of the Youth Foster Support Program. The recipient must demonstrate financial need as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This bursary is renewable for up to an additional three years (four in total), provided the student maintains the eligibility criteria. A new student will be selected when the previous student has completed their eligibility. This bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards.
A. Harvey & Company Limited Scholarship Program
On the occasion of its 125th anniversary, A. Harvey & Company Limited established this scholarship tenable at Memorial University of Newfoundland and valued at $1,500.00. In order to qualify candidates must:
- Be a dependent or spouse of employees of the company;
- Be enrolled as a full-time student;
- Possess scholarship standing as defined by the University; and
- Hold no other concurrent scholarship.
Preference will be given to entrance students; however, if there is no eligible candidate enrolled in first year studies, then the scholarship may be awarded to a senior undergraduate student attending Memorial University of Newfoundland who fulfills the above criteria. In deciding between candidates of equal academic attainment need will be the determining factor. The deadline date for applying is the last Friday in July. Further information and application forms are available in writing to A. Harvey & Company Limited, 87 Water Street, P.O. Box 5128, St. John's, NL, A1C 5V6.
C.D. Howe Memorial Foundation Scholarship
These scholarships result from a contribution by the C.D. Howe Memorial Foundation. The Annual income from this endowment will be utilized to fund up to six scholarships valued at the cost of one year's tuition for full-time students, the amount varying depending on the number of courses taken. The scholarships will be awarded to undergraduate students entering second, third, fourth or fifth years of study in any undergraduate program. The scholarships will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing, financial need, and a recommendation from the appropriate Dean or academic Director.
Kevin Hutchings Memorial Scholarship for the Royal Newfoundland Regiment
This scholarship was established by the family of Kevin Hutchings who, from 2004 until his death in 2009, held the position of Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of the First Battalion of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. Valued at $2000 per year, the scholarship will be awarded to a full-time undergraduate student who is an active parading member of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment (1st, 2nd Battalion or Band) who meets scholarship standing as defined by the University. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. An application form is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Shahana Islam Memorial Award
This award was established to celebrate the life of Shahana Islam, a staff member of the International Student Advising Office. Shahana was a colleague, wife, mother, sister, friend, gifted artist and avid volunteer. She passed away in April 2010 but not before touching the lives of countless students and members of the University community. Helping students was very important to Shahana and through this award she will continue to play a role in improving the lives of international students. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment the award will be granted annually to a full or part-time undergraduate or graduate international student in any program or area of study who meets the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient will be a student who lives with their family (spouse, partner and/or children under 18) while attending Memorial University of Newfoundland. Students who have permanent residence status are not eligible. In the case of undergraduate students, the award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. In the case of graduate students, the award will be granted by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies. Both will be based on a recommendation from the Internationalization Office.
Bishop Jones Memorial Hostel Group Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Bishop Jones Memorial Hostel Group. The hostel, originally named Spencer Lodge, opened in 1927 on 55 Rennies Mill Road as a residence for girls from the outports who were students at Bishop Spencer College, Memorial College and Normal School. It was purchased by the Church of England in 1939 and renamed the Bishop Jones Hostel in 1940. It served as a residence for Anglican girls from outside St. John’s who attended Memorial University of Newfoundland and summer school. In its 51-year history, this establishment served as a “home away from home” for some 1353 young women who moved to the city to further their education. The building still stands and is once again a private home. In July 2008 the first reunion of former hostel residents was held in St. John’s. From this reunion came the decision to establish a scholarship at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a female student who is enrolled full-time in her second year of study at Memorial University of Newfoundland and who meets the minimum academic requirement for a scholarship. The student must also be a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador whose permanent home address is outside the metro region of the campus she is attending and who has moved away from home to attend University. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Ethel H. Judson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at the annual interest on the endowment, has been established by Mrs. Edna Baird-Stephenson in memory of her late sister Ethel. It will be awarded annually to a Memorial University of Newfoundland student in any year or field of study. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence.
Iris Kirby Memorial Scholarship
This award, valued at $650.00 annually, has been established by the friends and colleagues of the late Iris Kirby. Iris was an active feminist and advocate of encouraging women to develop their fullest potential. The scholarship is open to women enrolling in full-time undergraduate studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland who are entering or returning after at least five years out of full-time study. Applicants should have been resident in Newfoundland for at least one year before applying. The scholarship will be awarded in the Winter semester on the basis of the Fall semester's results. In deciding on candidates of equal academic attainment, a commitment to the goal of an equal status for women in our society will be considered. An application is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Alexandra Kirkland Blackall Community Builder Award
This award was established by family and friends in memory of Alexandra Kirkland (Nov. 3, 1998-Oct. 3, 2017), a second year student at Memorial University of Newfoundland and a former resident at Blackall House. Alex was recognized for her intuitive ability and infinite capacity to sense, respect and defend the rights and needs of individuals, to make personal and supportive connections among diverse community members, and to generate a sense of caring and passion driven by her strong personal convictions. She created space for others to flourish in their new home at Memorial. This award was created to honour that power and celebrate the positive impact that Alex had on the Memorial University family. Valued at a portion of the income of the endowment, the award will be granted annually in the winter semester to a full-time first or second year student in any area of study at Memorial University who lives in student residence on the St. John’s campus. The recipient will be a student who embodies the same nurturing spirit that Alexandra demonstrated in building community and inspiring inclusiveness in student and university community activities. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the university. This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Director, Student Residences, in consultation with the Manager, Residence Life.
Korea Veterans' Association Scholarship
Twenty-six thousand, seven hundred and ninety-one (26,791) Canadians served in the Korean Theatre between the beginning of hostilities in 1950 and the signing of the cease-fire in 1953. Another 7,000 served between the cease-fire and the end of 1955. This scholarship was established to honour the men and women of the various Canadian Military Units that served in the United Nations Forces during that period of time. One scholarship of $500 is awarded annually to a student who meets the following criteria: A full-time first year student at Memorial University of Newfoundland who is the child or grandchild of a Canadian Korea War Veteran and who has scholarship standing. In a year when there is no eligible child or grandchild in first year, the scholarship may be awarded to a child or grandchild beyond first year studies. If there is still no eligible student, the scholarship may be awarded to any first year student at Memorial who has scholarship standing. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. An application is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Law Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador Legal Research Awards for Students of Memorial University
The Law Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador annually offers up to seven Legal Research Awards valued at $750 each to students at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The Awards are for outstanding research papers on one or more legal issues or topics treated in a legal context in a 2000 level course or beyond in any discipline at the undergraduate level and in any graduate course for students at the graduate level. A first year course is not eligible with the sole exception of LWSO 1000: Law, Democracy and Social Justice. Preference will be given for one of the seven awards to an undergraduate student in their first year of studies who is currently enrolled in, or has completed, the first year introductory course LWSO 1000 at the time their paper is submitted for consideration. The papers submitted by, and with endorsement of, a course professor or lecturer will be judged initially by the Dean, Director, or Department Head who will make a recommendation to a special selection committee comprised of appointees of Memorial University of Newfoundland and the Law Foundation. Undergraduate students will receive a minimum of two awards and graduate students will receive one or more of the seven awards available annually. In the case of undergraduate students the awards will be made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. In the case of graduate students the awards will be made by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies. In both cases they will act upon the new recommendation of the Foundation’s selection committee.
Locke's Electrical Limited 50th Anniversary Scholarship
This scholarship is the result of an endowment established by Locke's Electrical Limited, Corner Brook, on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. Valued at the interest on the endowment, it will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing to an undergraduate student in any year of study who is a child or grandchild of a current or retired staff member of Locke's Electrical Limited or one of it's affiliates. If the scholarship is not awarded in one year then two may be awarded the following year. An application is required and may be obtained from, and returned to, Locke's Electrical Limited, Corner Brook.
Dr. Wayne E. Ludlow Scholarship
This scholarship is the result of an endowment made by the undergraduate students of Memorial University of Newfoundland in honour of Dr. Wayne E. Ludlow on his retirement, in 1999, from the position of Dean of Student Affairs and Services. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this scholarship is tenable to students beyond second year, based on scholarship standing and demonstrated active participation in student life. Factors to be considered will include but not be limited to involvement in student government, clubs and societies and student media. Financial need may also be considered. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards, acting on the recommendation of a selection committee of members of MUNSU and the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic).
Dr. George MacDonald and Ruby Barter Memorial Bursary
This bursary was established by a generous bequest from Ruby Barter and her husband, Dr. George MacDonald. Ruby was born in Bay Verde, Newfoundland and, following her mother’s footsteps, enjoyed a rewarding career as a Registered Nurse. She was a lifelong learner and earned her master’s degree in Health Services Administration and spent the last years of her career as health consultant in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. George had a rewarding career as a General Medical Practitioner in Dartmouth and was a valued member of the medical staff of Dartmouth General Hospital for many years. His life was characterized by service, compassion and kindness. Both Ruby and George came from modest financial circumstances, but with a strong work ethic and ambition they realized their dreams. This bursary reflects the importance they placed on education and their desire to help deserving students overcome financial obstacles. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, one or more bursaries will be awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students who have financial need and meet the academic requirements for a bursary as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The area of designation will be at the discretion of the president of Memorial University. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
E. Frederick and Maud Martin Scholarship
This scholarship was established by a generous bequest from Frederick and Maud Martin of Toronto, formerly of Hickman’s Harbour and Burin. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student on the basis of scholarship standing and financial need. The recipient must demonstrate financial need as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Dr. Arthur May Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship
This scholarship was established in honour of the late Dr. Arthur May, Memorial University of Newfoundland’s President and Vice- Chancellor from 1990-99. It was established by generous donations from friends and family and through entry fees and donations from corporate and individual participants in the annual Memorial University Scholarship Golf Tournament, which he founded. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the Dr. Arthur May Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship will be awarded annually to a second or third year undergraduate student in any program of study. The recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the University. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Hector and Fanny McNeil Memorial Trust Fund Scholarships
From the interest accruing from this fund, at least two scholarships, at $500.00 each, will be awarded annually to academically deserving students at Memorial University of Newfoundland beyond first year. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Memorial on Parade Bursary Fund
This bursary was created through the generous support of the alumni of Memorial’s Parade Street Campus. Memorial College opened its doors on Parade Street in 1925. It was established as a memorial to the Newfoundlanders who lost their lives on active service during the First World War and was later dedicated to also encompass those lost in the Second World War. In 1950, the College was elevated to full university status. In 1961, Memorial University of Newfoundland moved from the Parade Street location to the Elizabeth Avenue Campus. The alumni of the Parade Street Campus established this bursary to support students who want to better themselves through higher education, just as they were so fortunate to do decades ago. Valued at a portion of the income on the investment, the bursary will be awarded annually to a student who has graduated from high school in Newfoundland and Labrador and is entering their final year of undergraduate studies in any Faculty or program at the St. John’s Campus. The recipient must have demonstrated financial need, as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Memorial University Golf Tournament Scholarship
This scholarship fund was established in 1998 as a result of entry fees and donations from corporate and individual participants in the Annual Memorial University Scholarship Golf Tournament. Proceeds from this tournament have developed an endowment that supports scholarships valued at a portion of the annual income on the endowment. The scholarships will be awarded to second or third-year undergraduate students based on scholarship standing, with the exact number of awards and value to be decided by Memorial University’s Scholarships and Awards Office each year. In an effort to ensure that, over time, awards are dispersed throughout the University’s various academic units, only one scholarship per year will be awarded within an academic unit and none will be awarded in a given year to students from an academic unit that has been represented by a recipient the year before. Recipients may not be simultaneously in receipt of a general scholarship of equal or higher value at the time of the awarding of the scholarship. The scholarships are awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Memorial University of Newfoundland Endowment Scholarships
These scholarships, established by Memorial University of Newfoundland are awarded annually to students in any year or faculty with approximately 50% of those awarded in a given year allocated for Entrance Students. The number and value of the annual scholarships vary depending on the interest earned. They are awarded on the basis of scholarship standing.
Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association Scholarship Fund
The Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association Scholarship Program was created by the Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association (MUNFA). Under this Program, three Scholarships were established to provide support to students with scholarship standing. The Scholarships will be awarded annually to full-time students in any year of any undergraduate degree program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated financial need. If funding permits and in recognition of academic merit, the first recipient will receive the “MUNFA Ditte Koster Memorial Scholarship” in honour of Ditte Koster who, until her death, was a professional librarian at the University. The second recipient will receive the “MUNFA Dr. William E. Schrank Memorial Scholarship” in honour of Dr. William E. Schrank, who was one of the founders of MUNFA in 1988. All remaining recipients will receive the “Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association Scholarship”. The recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for scholarship standing as defined by the University. The Scholarships will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Memorial University of Newfoundland Reimagining Leadership Award
This Award was established through funds received from Memorial University’s annual Reimagining Leadership Conference. The number of awards and the value will vary annually depending on funds available from the conference proceeds. The Award may be granted to a part-time or full-time undergraduate or graduate student who identifies as female or as gender diverse, at any campus of Memorial University. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. For undergraduate students, the Award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. For graduate students, it will be granted by the Associate Vice-President (Academic) and Dean, Graduate Studies. For both, the Vice-President (Advancement and External Relations), in consultation with the President of the University, will annually select an area to recommend a student(s) for the Award(s). The area chosen each year will be based on the theme of the annual Reimagining Leadership Conference. The chosen area will establish a selection process to ensure that the criteria is followed when selecting a student.
Dr. Karl Misik Award
This award was established by the generosity of Dr. Karl Misik’s friends and family to honour and celebrate his retirement in 2021. Dr. Karl Misik immigrated to Canada with his family following WWII, at the age of 12. His father worked as a family physician in outport Newfoundland. Like his father, Karl wanted to serve his community through medicine, so he pursued an undergraduate degree at Memorial University of Newfoundland with the goal of becoming a doctor. As a non-English speaker at the time, undergraduate studies were challenging for him, but despite the adversity he faced, he obtained his undergraduate degree at Memorial in 1965 and later graduated from Dalhousie Medical School in 1970. In 1972, he began practicing medicine in St. John’s and, since then, Dr. K – as he is affectionately known – has delivered over 2,500 children, provided care for thousands of Newfoundland families, and contributed to medical research. Valued at $250 annually, the award will be granted to a student who came to Canada as a refugee, resides in Newfoundland and Labrador, and is enrolled in any year of any undergraduate degree program at Memorial University’s St. John’s and Grenfell Campus. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards. An application is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Elsa S. Morgan Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at $500.00, was donated by the late Dr. John M. Morgan, B.Sc., M.D., in memory of his wife, Elsa S. Morgan. Dr. Morgan was born at Port-de-Grave, Conception Bay, Newfoundland and spent all of his professional life in the United States. The scholarship is awarded to a deserving student of scholarship standing who has completed the first year of studies and is proceeding to the second year. Preference will be given to students from the district of Port-de-Grave. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Jacob and Floral Morgan Scholarship Fund
This fund has been established by relatives and friends of the late Jacob Morgan, a teacher for thirty years in the outports of this province, and of his wife Floral. One or more scholarships, valued at not less than $2,500.00 each will be awarded annually. Preference will be given to students from the smaller outports, primarily to those who are entering the University for the first time.
John Thomas and Amy Susannah Morgan Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at $500.00, was donated by the late Dr. John M. Morgan, B.Sc., M.D., in memory of his parents, John Thomas and Amy Susannah Morgan. The scholarship is awarded to a deserving student of scholarship standing, who has completed his or her first year of studies and is proceeding to second year. Preference will be given to students from the district of Port-de-Grave/Harbour Grace. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
M.O. Morgan Alumni Scholarships
At least three scholarships valued at a minimum of $1,000.00 each, gifts of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Alumni Association, are awarded annually to students beyond first year on the basis of academic excellence. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Moving Forward Together Campaign Award
This Award was established by two generous donations as a part of the Moving Forward Together Campaign by the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland and the Presentation Sisters of Newfoundland and Labrador. Moving Forward Together is a Canada-wide campaign to bring fundamental and lasting change to Indigenous communities in Canada by supporting healing and educational programs. Valued at $1,800, it will be awarded to an undergraduate Indigenous student beyond their first year of studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. There will be one Award annually at each of the St. John’s and Grenfell Campuses. The Award is renewable for an additional two years. The student must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This Award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. An application is required and is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
MUNSU Undergraduate Scholarship
This scholarship fund is the result of an endowment which began in 1996 as a part of the Opportunity Fund Campaign. The fund will provide a scholarship valued at the annual interest on the endowment, to students who are children, grandchildren, or spouses of current (worked a minimum of 15 of the last 24 months) or retired employees of MUNSU, Memorial University of Newfoundland or of previous employees who had a minimum of ten years of service to MUNSU. In the event that there are no eligible candidates from the above group in a given year the scholarship will be open to nieces or nephews of current, retired or previous employees of MUNSU (as per above). It will be open to entrance students as well as undergraduates. The scholarship is not renewable and individuals will not normally hold the scholarship more than once unless there is no other eligible candidate in a given year. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing but in the case of ties between candidates, need may be used as a determining factor. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website at .
MUNSU 25th Anniversary Scholarship
This scholarship is the result of an endowment established by MUNSU (1994) and is valued at the annual accrued interest. It will be awarded to a student who has completed at least one year at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Based on scholarship standing and active participation in student life, it will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon the recommendation of the President, MUNSU.
Harvey and Doris Murcell Scholarships
These scholarships have been established from funds donated by Harvey and Doris Murcell. Scholarships of at least $1,000.00 shall be awarded under the following conditions:
- A scholarship to two entrance students who are residents of Harbour Grace who attended High School in Conception Bay North.
- Four scholarships to students of any year from high schools in the Conception Bay North area.
- Other scholarships as the fund will bear.
The scholarships shall be awarded based on scholarship standing. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Newfoundland and Labrador Neurotrauma Initiative Award
This award, valued at a portion of the income on the investment, is made possible by a generous endowment from the Newfoundland and Labrador Neurotrauma Initiative Program, a partnership between the Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation, the Canadian Paraplegic Association, the Brain Injury Association and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. The award will be available on an annually rotating basis between undergraduate and graduate students, with first preference given to a student who has been identified with a brain or spinal cord injury. For undergraduate students an application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website at Graduate Students are required to apply specifically to the School of Graduate Studies, Room IIC 2021, Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation, (709) 864-2600. If no candidate is available with a brain or spinal cord injury, preference will be given to a student who is studying in any field related to neurotrauma. If it is not awarded at the level of study (i.e. graduate/undergraduate) on rotation in a given year, it may be awarded to a student studying at the other level for that year. In the case of undergraduates, the award will be made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. In the case of graduates it will be awarded by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Awards and Medals Committee. This award is open to part-time or full-time students with clear academic standing. A special application is required please click here to apply.
Elsie and Stephen O'Neill Award
The children of Elsie and Steve O’Neill established this award in appreciation of their parents’ support and encouragement toward their higher education. Valued at a minimum of $1,000 annually, the award will be granted to a single parent who is an undergraduate student. First preference is to part-time students, but full-time students will be considered. Students must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of an application which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website at .
Florence O'Neill Scholarships
An endowment donated to the University by Florence O'Neill, Ed.D., C.M., LL.D., honorary graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland, distinguished for her contribution to the fields of adult education and community development, will fund annual scholarships valued up to $1,000.00 each. These awards will be made available to full-time undergraduate students, preferably to those from rural Newfoundland and Labrador, on the basis of scholarship standing. One shall be given annually to a student attending the Grenfell Campus in Corner Brook.
Dermot O’Reilly Legacy Award
The award, valued at a portion of the income on the investment, is established through funds raised by family, friends and music lovers, in Dermot O’Reilly’s memory after his untimely passing in 2007. Dermot chose to make Newfoundland his home in 1971 where he found here a kinship to the Dublin of his youth in the people, music and songs. Here, his life was music. He delighted in sharing music with others and was a mentor to many aspiring musicians. Dermot’s friends and family carry on his legacy by creating this award to encourage and support the promotion of traditional music, oral tradition and dance in Newfoundland and Labrador. It will be given annually to a part-time or full-time student at Memorial University of Newfoundland enrolled in any year of any program of study that meets the academic requirements for an award as outlined by the University. Eligibility should be based on established support of traditional music, oral tradition or dance amongst Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. The successful candidate will be determined at the discretion of the Dermot O’Reilly Legacy Award Selection Committee and will have made evident, either through actions or creative undertakings, contributions to the province by demonstrating leadership and creativity in the tradition-bearer community. To be considered, candidates must apply by March 1, each year. Applications are available at the Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards Office and the School of Graduate Studies and must be accompanied by a resume of all relevant information including but not limited to: publications, research, recordings, projects, performances, etc. It will be awarded by either the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards or the Dean, School of Graduate Studies as appropriate based on the recommendation from the Committee.
Oliver Family Metrobus Award
This award was established by a generous donation from Charlie Oliver and Paula Pike to honour the long term relationship of the Oliver family with Metrobus, the transit services within the municipalities of St. John’s, Mount Pearl and Paradise. Charlie Oliver (Sr.) (1951-1991), James Oliver (1987-2015) and Danny Oliver (2004-2022) provided a combined 86 years of service to Metrobus. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this award will be granted annually to a full-time student in any undergraduate degree program at Memorial University of Newfoundland who is a child, grandchild, sibling, legal guardian, niece, nephew or spouse of a current, retired, deceased, or former employee of St. John’s Metrobus or its successor company. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University. This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website at A letter from Metrobus or its successor company, confirming the relationship, as described above, to an employee, as described above, must accompany the application.
R.A. Parsons Scholarship Fund
The purpose of this fund is to provide scholarships to students in good academic standing and in proven financial need. There are no restrictions as to year or field of study. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
John Lewis Paton Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded out of the income from the Fund established in 1926 by John Lewis Paton to enable graduates of the Memorial University College to continue university training. Known until 1946 as the Memorial University College Scholarship, it has been re-named to honour the memory of the first President of the College. This scholarship has a value of at least $300.00. It is awarded annually to a student who has successfully completed three years of a degree course. In making the award, scholastic achievement and promise, qualities of character, economic need and other relevant factors will be taken into account. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Rose Patten Single Parent Award
This award has been established by Ms. Rose Patten to encourage and assist single parents to develop their full academic potential. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it is open to single parents who are enrolled in full-time undergraduate studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Students must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of an application which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Elaine Pitcher Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is the result of an endowment to the University from a bequest left by Elaine Pitcher, a donation from Xerox Canada and donations from family, friends and colleagues of Elaine. Valued at a portion of the annual accrued interest on the endowment, it will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing to an undergraduate student who is a child of a current or retired staff member of Memorial University of Newfoundland. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
James R. Pearcey Award for Entrepreneurship
This Award was established by a generous donation from Mr. Wade. K. Dawe, B. Comm.'92 in memory of James R. Pearcey, a Civil Engineering graduate and former president of the 1993 class at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Valued at $10,000, this award will be granted annually to a student in any undergraduate degree program and any academic year at Memorial University. First preference is for a student in the Faculty of Business Administration. Students must be in clear academic standing though academic performance may be considered. Students must show clear evidence of a significant propensity toward entrepreneurial activities and study as assessed by a competition through the Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship (MCE). Materials for submission to the competition may include an essay or a business plan, or other materials that the applicant feels will demonstrate their entrepreneurial nature. Supporting documentation such as letters of reference, a resume or curriculum vita may also be included. First preference is for a student enrolled in any program in the Faculty of Business Administration. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This Award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Director, Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship.
Pro Vice-Chancellor’s Prize
The Pro Vice-Chancellor’s Prize was originally established to recognize superior writing, critical thinking, and aptitude by undergraduate students at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The student research essay or project should demonstrate intellectual originality, cogency, facility of expression, and adherence to principles of scientific inquiry and critical thinking. It is intended for students whose work deserves a wider audience. In addition to recognizing superior papers, the Pro Vice-Chancellor’s Prize will recognize other creative pieces of work through poster presentations and videos displaying technical expertise.
Up to six prizes will be awarded each year valued at $750 for an undergraduate student or $1,500 tenable in a graduate program at Memorial University. Papers completed in the Spring term can be included with the Fall term competition. Papers completed in the Winter term are the only term papers included in the Winter term competition. The prizes will be awarded to students in three categories.
Category 1 – Research Essay - 1st and 2nd year undergraduate students.
Category 2 – Research Essay - 3rd and 4/5th year undergraduate students.
Category 3 –any year of undergraduate study - Non-essay – ie. Poster presentation, a creative piece of work, video.
Students can nominate themselves with instructor approval and instructors are invited to nominate students and forward the application to the Scholarships, Awards and Financial Aid Office. Instructors' comments should not appear on the work.
Pro Vice-Chancellor's Prize application
All submissions must be sent as a single word document to the scholarships office.
Next submission: Winter 2025
Deadline to submit: April 25, 2025
Public Service Credit Union Award for Indigenous Students
This award was established by the Public Service Credit Union (PSCU) to support Indigenous students at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Valued at $1,000, the award will be granted to an Indigenous student who has graduated from a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador who is enrolled full-time in any undergraduate program in any year of study at Memorial University. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website at
June and John Reid Award
This award was established by a generous donation from June and John Reid, proud alumni of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Through this award, the Reid’s hope to provide an opportunity for single parents of any age to successfully complete their education without the burden of academic debt. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the award will be granted to a full-time undergraduate student in their first year, who has completed their high school diploma (or equivalent) in Newfoundland and Labrador. If there is no eligible student in first year, the award may be given to a student in a subsequent year. Preference will be given to a female student and financial need may be taken into consideration. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. It is renewable for up to three additional years provided the recipient maintains the minimum academic requirements for an award. It will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of an application which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Robert Gillespie Reid Memorial Scholarships
These scholarships are the result of the annual interest from a bequest left to Memorial University of Newfoundland by Mr. Reid. Scholarships valued at two semesters tuition for a full course load, will be awarded annually to students of scholarship standing. These scholarships are open to both Entrance and Undergraduate students.
Evelyn (Marsh) Robbins Memorial Bursary
This bursary was established in memory of Evelyn (Marsh) Robbins by her sons Glenn (B.Comm.’85) and Peter (B.Eng.’91) and her husband Ernest to continue Evelyn’s belief that everyone should have an opportunity to reach their full potential. Evelyn (Marsh) Robbins grew up in Point Leamington and lived most of her life in Grand Falls-Windsor. She graduated from the General Hospital School of Nursing in 1958 and wherever she worked (Grand Falls Hospital, Central Newfoundland Public Health, Carmelite Seniors Home) people were touched by her care and compassion. Throughout her professional career and volunteer activities Evelyn would often discreetly reach out to help when she saw someone struggling, whether it was to provide basic necessities or to help them address some of life’s other challenges. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this bursary will be awarded annually to a full-time student who has graduated from a high school in any of the communities around Buchans, Badger, Grand Falls-Windsor, Bishop Falls, Botwood, Point Leamington, Leading Tickles, Springdale, Little Bay Islands and the south coast of Central Newfoundland, including communities such as Harbour Breton, Milltown, McCallum and Rencontre East. If no candidate from the preferred group can be found, any student who graduated from a high school in the Nova Central School District will be considered. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary. This bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards.
Tracy Ronayne Scholarship
This scholarship has been established by the Department of Information Technology Services (formerly Computing and Communications) at Memorial University of Newfoundland to honour the life and contribution of a former employee, Tracy Ronayne. To be eligible, the recipient must have scholarship standing, be a full-time undergraduate student and be a dependant of a current, retired, deceased or former (having worked in the unit for a minimum of 5 years) employee of Information Technology Services or be a student employed by Information Technology Services during the Fall semester of the academic year for which the scholarship will be awarded. One or more scholarships may be awarded in any given year. In the absence of a candidate meeting the above criteria, the scholarship will be awarded to a student beyond first year majoring in computer science in the Faculty of Science or a student in the Faculty of Business Administration. A special application will be required and may be obtained from the Scholarships and Awards website. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Russell and Pearl Rose Bursary Fund
The Russell and Pearl Rose Bursary Fund has been established through a generous bequest to the University set forth in the Last Will and Testament of Anita Pearl Rose. Valued at a portion of the income on the investment, it will be awarded to a full-time undergraduate student at Memorial University of Newfoundland beyond the first year and in any field of study who is a graduate of a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of financial need and scholarship standing.
W. Gary Rowe, QC Scholarships at St. John’s Campus
These undergraduate scholarships were established through a generous gift from the estate of the late W. Gary Rowe, QC (1944-2010), lawyer, art collector and philanthropist. Mr. Rowe graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a Bachelor of Commerce degree and Dalhousie University with a Bachelor of Laws degree before being called to the bar in Newfoundland and Labrador in 1970. In 1972 he was a founding partner of the firm Chalker, Green and Rowe, which grew to become one of the largest in St. John’s with more than 20 lawyers at the time of its merger with the regional firm McInnes Cooper in 2000. Mr. Rowe was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1988. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, one or more scholarships will be awarded annually to undergraduate students attending the St. John’s Campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipients must have graduated from a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador and meet the academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the University. These scholarships will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 1 Memorial Award
This award was established by a generous donation from the St. John’s Branch No. 1 of the Royal Canadian Legion to recognize the contributions of W.R. Dawe and Walter E. Williams to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Royal Canadian Legion, St. John’s Branch No. 1. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the award will be granted annually to children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren of Branch No. 1 members of any membership level. Preference will be given to full-time undergraduate students entering their first year at Memorial University of Newfoundland, but undergraduate students in any year of study are eligible to apply. The recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the university. In the case of a tie between candidates, financial need may be used as a determining factor. Candidates must submit an application to the St. John’s Branch No. 1 of the Royal Canadian Legion by August 31 each year. Applications will be verified by the Branch office and forwarded to the Scholarships Office at Memorial University for final selection. Applications are available at the Branch office located at 57-59 Blackmarsh Road. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Royal Canadian Legion (St. John's Branch No. 1) Memorial Wall Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the St. John’s Branch No. 1 of the Royal Canadian Legion. It was made possible through funds raised in the construction of a Memorial Wall located at the Branch’s club rooms. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, two scholarships will be awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students attending Memorial University of Newfoundland in any year or area of study. The recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the university. Financial need may be taken into consideration. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
R.S.V.P. Residence Scholarship
This scholarship is the result of fundraising by the Residence Scholarship and Volunteer Program (RSVP) Committee during the early 1990's. One or more scholarships will be awarded annually from the interest earned on the initial endowment. The scholarship(s) will be awarded to full-time undergraduate students who are beyond first year, resided in residence the previous year and are returning to residence for another year. To be considered candidates must have scholarship standing and must have been actively involved in various aspects of residence life. The scholarship(s) will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation of the Director, Student Residences.
Russell Memorial Scholarship
This Scholarship was established by a generous donation from the Estate of Frederick (Fred) and Margaret (Peggy) Russell. Fred played a prominent role in Newfoundland and Labrador’s business and community life. He was the president of Blue Peter Steamships and Terra Nova Motors. He served as Chair of Memorial University of Newfoundland’s Board of Regents from 1974 to 1982 and was awarded an honorary degree by the University in 1976. Peggy was born in Ontario and met Fred when they were both in service with the Royal Canadian Air Force. From 1991 to 1997, they served the people as His Honour, The Honourable Frederick Russell, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador and Her Honour, Margaret Russell. Fred was appointed to Officer of the Order of Canada in 1999 and Peggy was invested as a Member of the Order of Canada in 2000. Fred and Peggy raised four children, had 14 grandchildren and many great grandchildren. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the Scholarship will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student in any year of study, in any program at Memorial University. Preference will be given to a student from Musgrave Harbour. The recipient must demonstrate financial need as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for scholarship standing as defined by Memorial University. This Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
St. John's Association of Basketball Officials Award
From a sum of money donated by the St. John's Association of Basketball Officials an award valued at a portion of the annual income on the investment is to be provided annually to a full-time or part-time Memorial University of Newfoundland student, either graduate or undergraduate, who is an active member of the University basketball community. The candidate must meet the University's definition of Clear Standing. In the case of graduate students the award will be made by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies. In the case of undergraduate students the award will be made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. In both cases the award is based on the recommendation of the executive of the St. John's Association of Basketball Officials.
St. John's Port Authority Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at $2,500.00, was established by the St. John's Port Authority. It will be awarded annually to a student who has lived at least twelve months in Newfoundland before commencing his or her post-secondary studies and who is entering third year or beyond in a marine related field. The scholarship shall be awarded on the basis of academic excellence.
Jeanne F. Sanger Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, awarded annually in memory of Jeanne F. Sanger, former student and library staff member of Memorial University of Newfoundland, is under the sponsorship of the family and friends of the late Mrs. Sanger. It is awarded on the basis of scholarship standing and need to a second-year student upon completion of first-year studies. The value of the award will be based on income accruing from the fund during the period of tenure of the scholarship.
Dr. Maurice Saval Scholarship/Bursary Fund
This fund has been established through the generosity of Dr. Maurice Saval, one of the co-founders in St. John's of the Newfoundland American Insurance Company. From the interest accruing on the fund, a number of scholarships/bursaries will be awarded annually to financially needy and academically deserving undergraduate students. The awards will be open to full-time students in first and second year.
Sceptre Investment Counsel Limited Bursary
Sceptre Investment Counsel, one of Canada's leading pension and mutual fund managers and an important partner to Memorial University of Newfoundland for several years, has established this bursary as a demonstration of its commitment to community support. Valued at the accrued interest on their endowment, one or more bursaries will be awarded annually on a rotating basis between undergraduate and graduate students in any field of study. Successful candidate(s) must be Newfoundland residents demonstrating financial need and displaying qualities of leadership. In the case of undergraduates, it will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards using scholarship standing as the primary determinant. Graduate students can make application in writing to the Dean of Graduate Studies. The award will be made by the Dean on the recommendation of the Awards and Medals Committee.
September 11, 2001 International Award
As a result of the tragic events in New York, USA on September 11, 2001, nearly 13,000 air travellers were diverted to airports in Newfoundland to ensure their safety. In St. John's, 475 of them were housed on Memorial University of Newfoundland's St. John's campus for several days. Some of the passengers have shown their gratitude to Memorial University of Newfoundland by making donations to establish a fund which will assist students from other countries to attend Memorial University of Newfoundland. This fund will be a perpetual memorial to those who died in the tragic events of that day, while also providing both international students and our community with the opportunity for enrichment through exposure to new cultures and ways of life. To be considered for this award, a student must be eligible to pay the full international undergraduate fee, must register for at least three courses (9 credit hours) in each of two semesters in their previous academic year at Memorial University of Newfoundland and must not also hold an International Undergraduate Academic Award in the same academic year. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of a recommendation from the Director, Office of Student Recruitment.
Sodexho Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at the annual interest, is the result of a donation to the University from Sodexho. It will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing to a full-time undergraduate student in any year or field of study.
Gladys (Payne) and Deborah Spracklin Bursary
This bursary was established by a generous donation from Gladys (Payne) Sprackin and her daughter Deborah. Gladys grew up in Eastern Tickle and Fogo, Fogo Island. She received one year of teacher training after graduating high school and taught at a two-room schoolhouse in Woody Point. Here she met her husband E.J. Spracklin. His work with the Hudson Bay Company (HBC) Northern Stores took them to the Arctic and later to Winnipeg where they settled when Deborah was nine. Gladys never forgot her Newfoundland and Labrador roots and this bursary is intended to give rural students the opportunity for an education without financial burden. Deborah followed in her father’s footsteps and also worked for the HBC Northern Stores (now the North West Company) as an accountant. Valued at $2,500 annually, the bursary will be awarded to two undergraduate students in any faculty, program or campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference will be given to students who graduated from a high school in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. The recipients must demonstrate financial need as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by the University . The bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
Toronto Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship has been made possible through the fundraising efforts of the Toronto Alumni Branch of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Alumni Association. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, one or more scholarships will be available to undergraduate students, beyond first year, in any field of study and who demonstrate both academic excellence and leadership qualities. Based on scholarship standing it will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic).
James Tucker Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is the result of an endowment which began in 1997 as a part of the Opportunity Fund Campaign. The fund will provide a scholarship valued at a minimum of $500 to students who are children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or spouses of current, retired or deceased employees or former employees with a minimum of five years service in the Department of Technical Services, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference in awarding the scholarship will be given to entrance students but undergraduates may also qualify. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website at . The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing but in the case of ties between candidates, need may be used as a determining factor.
William and Elizabeth (Burdett) Walsh Memorial Bursary
The William and Elizabeth (Burdett) Walsh Memorial Bursary has been established by a gift of $15,000 from Mr. and Mrs. Walsh’s family. Billie and Lizzie (Burdett) Walsh, as they were known, were Labradorians from ‘Mary’s Harbour’ and ‘Sandy Hills’ who settled in Cartwright. Both of them were keenly interested in the education of their children. It will be awarded to a Labrador student registered in any faculty or year at Memorial University of Newfoundland who is a graduate of a high school in Labrador and consideration will be accorded the following priority: 1) Cartwright, 2) Mary’s Harbour, 3) the remainder of the Labrador coast and straits, and 4) all of Labrador. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards with preference given to financial need.
James J. Walsh Memorial Scholarships
These two scholarships, established by the Walsh family to commemorate the memory of a dear husband and father, James J. Walsh, are tenable at Memorial University of Newfoundland and are valued at $500.00 each. One scholarship will be tenable in the Faculty of Business Administration. (Refer to Faculty of Business Administration). The second scholarship will be open to any student enrolled full-time at Memorial University of Newfoundland who has scholarship standing and demonstrates financial need.
Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty/Staff Scholarship
The Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland (WAMUN) has established a $1,200.00 annual scholarship available to students in any faculty or year at Memorial University of Newfoundland, providing they are either:
- children of full-time faculty or staff; or
- children of deceased or retired faculty or staff, who at the time of death or retirement, were employed full-time.
An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website. This scholarship is based on scholarship standing.
Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland Mature Student Undergraduate Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at $1,200.00, is awarded annually from funds donated by the Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland. It is restricted to women enrolled in full-time undergraduate studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland who are entering or returning, having been away from full-time study for a period of three years or more. They must have been residents of Newfoundland and Labrador for at least a year prior to enrolling. This scholarship is awarded in Winter semester based on Fall semester results in which a minimum average of 75% will be required. Financial need will be considered. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland Single Parent Undergraduate Award
This award was established through generous donations from the Women’s Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Valued at a portion of the income on the investment, it will be awarded annually to full-time or part-time single parents enrolled in any faculty, school or year of study. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. Financial need and scholarship standing may be taken into consideration. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of an application which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.
Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland Undergraduate Scholarship
This scholarship, valued at $1,200.00, is awarded annually from funds donated by the Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland. It is restricted to undergraduate students who are beyond second year of studies and who will continue at Memorial University of Newfoundland in an academic program. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing.
Youth Foster Support Bursary
The Youth Foster Support Bursary will be made available each year to individuals who have been in foster care in Newfoundland and Labrador and who wish to attend Memorial University of Newfoundland as full-time undergraduate students at any of the University’s campuses. The bursary covers the annual costs of tuition and required fees in their entirety, renewable for up to three additional years, for a total of four (4) years of study (8 semesters). The term “undergraduate” is inclusive to undergraduate degree students as well as diploma students at the Marine Institute Campus. To be eligible for this bursary, and annual renewal, students must have been in foster care in Newfoundland and Labrador for a minimum of 12 months; be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and typically would be a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador; be working towards their first undergraduate credential as per the definition of undergraduate studies at Memorial for this initiative; demonstrate financial need; and, not be in receipt of funding/bursaries from other sources that cover tuition and required fees. An application is required and the deadline for submission is March 1 of each year. In instances where there are more eligible applicants than available funds, those with the greatest demonstrated financial need will be chosen to receive the bursary. For students attending the St. John’s, Grenfell and Labrador Campuses, the bursary will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. For students attending the Marine Institute, the bursary will be granted by the Scholarship Committee of the Marine Institute. All bursaries and renewals will be based on the recommendation of Memorial University’s Youth Foster Support Program Selection Committee.
Dr. Miriam Yu Undergraduate Scholarship
This Scholarship was established by a generous donation from the Estate of Dr. Miriam Yu (1928-2023). Dr. Yu was a professor of Educational Psychology at Memorial University of Newfoundland for nearly twenty years. In retirement, she settled in Vancouver where she founded the Sage Elder College to promote life-long learning and social interaction and was its president. She was a dedicated community volunteer who was passionate about multiculturalism and support for seniors, and was also an artist whose paintings were exhibited in Hong Kong, the UK and Canada. This scholarship honours her legacy in education and public service. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, one or more scholarships of equal value, up to a maximum of one year’s tuition, will be awarded to undergraduate students in their second year of study at any campus of Memorial University. This scholarship is renewable for two years (three years in total) as long as the recipient continues in an undergraduate program at the university and maintains scholarship standing. Preference will be given to students with financial need. The recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for scholarship standing as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. A new candidate will be selected when a current recipient(s) has completed their tenure.