University Policy
To define the authority and rationale and set guidelines to be followed concerning the official displaying of Flags on University property or premises.
Includes the National Flag of Canada, the Provincial Flag of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Flag(s) of Memorial University and such other Flags that may be approved by the University for display at one or more of its official Flag sites.
Campus — A location of the University formally designated as a campus.
Non-commercial — Not having a commercial objective; not intended to make a profit.
Non-partisan — Not directly affiliated with any political party.
Non-political — Not directly affiliated with any political advocacy group, cause or activity.
Non-religious — Not affiliated with any religious group, cause or activity.
Official Flag Sites — Locations of flag staffs designated as official. As of 2022 at Memorial University, these include: St. John’s Campus (front of Arts and Administration building), Marine Institute (front of the Ridge Road building) and Grenfell Campus (front of the Arts & Sciences building).
Precedence — The order to be ceremonially observed regarding people of different rank, according to an acknowledged or legally determined system; in this case, the University follows the precedence lists set by the Canadian and Newfoundland & Labrador governments.
Registered Charitable Organization — Organizations that are registered by the Government of Canada as charities that have charitable purposes benefitting the community.
Unit Head — Unit Head is the term used to mean Deans, Department Heads, Division Heads, Directors, Executive Directors, University Librarian, University Registrar and other senior administrators of a comparable level; Associate Vice-Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and the President and Vice-Chancellor.
University — Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Visiting Dignitary — A person with high rank or office, who is recognized as having precedence and who is visiting one of Memorial's campuses.
1. In addition to the University’s Flag, Memorial University of Newfoundland displays the Flags of Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador on its official Flag staffs as a mark of respect.
2. Flags on official Flag staffs on the property or premises of Memorial University of Newfoundland are displayed in conformity with provincial and national Flag protocol guidelines and orders of Precedence.
3. The University observes declared provincial and/or national periods of mourning, as well as the deaths of members of the University community, by half-masting all Flags during these periods. More information on the observation of mourning periods and deaths is available in the Procedure for Half-Masting Flags.
4. Other Flags may be displayed upon approval of the University, where sufficient official Flag staffs are available. This may include local Indigenous Flags appropriate to the territory on which a Campus is located, Flags of registered charitable organizations affiliated with the University, Flags of the country of Visiting Dignitaries making official visits to the University, and Flags identified with provincial and/or national periods of recognition and awareness.
Related Documents
Government of Canada Half-masting the National Flag of Canada
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Flags Protocol
Request to Half-Mast Flags Form
Request to Display a Flag Form
For inquiries related to this policy:
Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, 709-864-8664,
Vice-President (Advancement & External Relations)
External Relations
Previous Versions:
There is at least one previous version of this policy. Contact the Policy Office to view earlier version(s)
Policy Amendment History
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