University Policy


Employee Training and Development

Approval Date: 2014-02-06

Effective Date: 2014-02-06

Review Date: 2022-02-06


Vice-President (Administration and Finance) through the Director of Human Resources


To outline Memorial University's commitment to employee training and development and communicate the types of opportunities available.


All Eligible Employees of the University


Career Development — An upgrading activity that goes beyond the scope of the employee's job description, although it may indirectly improve job performance. Career development is the responsibility of the employee. However the University will endeavour to support the career development goals of eligible employees.

Eligible Employees — All permanent, operating-funded employees contributing into the University's benefits program including operating-funded contractual employees whose contract (or series of contracts) is for a period greater than 6 months and who are contributing into the University's benefits program.

Job Related Training — Any training or skill upgrading activity required by the employer. Job related training includes development opportunities for those skills that are necessary for successfully performing one's job. Funding for Job Related Training is the responsibility of the Unit.

Unit — Academic or administrative unit as defined in the University Calendar.

Unit Head — For the purposes of this policy, unit head is the term used to mean Heads of Departments, Divisions and Schools, Deans, Directors, Executive Directors, the University Librarian, the University Registrar, Associate Vice-Presidents and Vice-Presidents, as applicable.

University — Memorial University of Newfoundland.



The University encourages and supports efforts by eligible employees to develop their capabilities and advance their careers in the overall context of meeting the goals and objectives of the University. Employee development is divided into two categories: job related training and career development.

Employee development requires a shared responsibility among the University, the Department of Human Resources, individual units and the employee. In this partnership:

The University through the Department of Human Resources:

  • Ensures policies and programs facilitate and support the continuing development of employees.
  • Works with units to identify and establish customized training and development programs.
  • Works with employees to assess and provide feedback on their skills and interests; selects training and development activities that match their career development objectives and job needs.


  • Ensure employees within the unit are provided the appropriate training to perform the duties associated with their job.
  • Endeavour to support employees in career development activities where operationally feasible.

The Employee:

  • Must take initiative to assess skills and interests and seek development activities that match his/her needs.
  • Is responsible for reimbursing the University when:
    • An employee has received financial assistance from the Department of Human Resources (i.e. registration fees, tuition fees) and fails to successfully complete the course (i.e. credit courses - courses dropped after published applicable refund date as outlined in University Calendar) and/or terminates employment with the University prior to the end of the course. See the Reimbursement of Financial Assistance Form
    • An employee is granted assisted leave and does not return to the University for a period equal to that leave, the employee must repay the amount of financial assistance, on a prorated basis, based on the period of time worked following return from assisted leave.
    • An employee registers for programs but fails to attend without adequate notification in accordance with the Guidelines for Charges for Non-Attendance At Training Programs. 


Units are responsible for fostering the development of their employees to prepare them for future demands and career advancement within the University. To this extent, Unit Heads may use unit funds for the Job-Related Training they believe will provide a benefit to the unit and is consistent with the unit’s goals and objectives. This development may take the form of participation in workshops, seminars and conferences.


Many programs, including courses, workshops, seminars, etc, are available under the umbrella of Career Development. Such programs provide knowledge and skill development to enhance an employee's work performance and potential career growth.

Career Development programs may be offered with the University through the Department of Human Resources, including non-credit courses offered by internal and/or external educational providers.  Costs associated with attending conferences are not covered by the policy. Conference costs are the responsibility of the employee's unit.

Eligible employees may apply for non-credit career development opportunitie through the Department of Human Resources.  See Procedure for Availing of Career Development (non-credit Programming).


 The University, through the Department of Human Resources, provides tuition for Memorial University credit courses in accordance with the Procedure for Availing of Memorial University Credit Courses.

Employees are responsible for all other costs such as admission and registration fees, textbooks, student union fees, laboratory fees, and research and project fees.

Programs that have additional special fees or premium tuition associated with them are not covered under this policy. The maximum funding for such programs is an amount equivalent to the basic tuition (or equivalent program enrollment fee) that would apply in the absence of a special fee or premium tuition or any other incremental program enrollment fee; all such additional program fees are the responsibility of the employee and/or the respective unit.


Related Documents

Application to Undertake Non-Credit Training Form
Application for Financial Assistance for Memorial University Credit Course Form
Guidelines for Charges for Non-Attendance at Training Programs
Reimbursement of Financial Assistance Form


For inquiries related to this policy:

Department of Human Resources 709-864-4626


Vice-President (Administration, Finance and Advancement)


People Resources

Previous Versions:

There is at least one previous version of this policy. Contact the Policy Office to view earlier version(s)

Approval Date: 0000-00-00
Effective Date: 2013-04-09
Approval Date: 0000-00-00
Effective Date: 1996-01-01
Policy Amendment History

There are past amendments for this policy:

Date: 2019-05-27 10:48:35
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Connected definitions using the definitions from the glossary.
Date: 2019-07-22 10:57:36
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Updated the review date from 2018-02-06 to 2022-02-06 during the 2019 Annual Policy Review.
Date: 2024-09-11 14:14:45
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Updated to reflect Vice-President titles as approved by the Board of Regents December 7, 2023