Professional Associates


Criteria, eligibility and current associates:


Normally candidates will be a Registered Nurse active within the nursing profession and hold a Bachelor of Nursing degree or higher and will have a combination of clinical practice and experience that allows them to contribute to teaching within the Faculty of Nursing.

Terms of appointment and reappointment:

Professional Associates will be involved in teaching responsibilities within the Faculty of Nursing as indicated:

Teaching responsibilities may include:

  • Lecture in one or more undergraduate or graduate courses
  • Facilitate professional development for faculty leadership
  • Facilitate clinical experiences for faculty and students
  • Serve as a member on a supervisory committee of a graduate student in nursing
  • Co-facilitate a module in interdisciplinary professional education

Appointments will be for a specific period not to exceed three years and are renewable.

This document is aligned with the current criteria for Adjunct Professors and Professional Associate with Memorial University of Newfoundland which can be found at:

Professional Associates:

Kari Brown - RN, BN, MN(NP)

Sarah Donnelly-Harnum - BHSc, IBCLC, RM

Charlene Downey - RN, BN, MN, CON(C) Memorial

Alicia Hogan - RN, BN, MN(NP)

Michael Noble - RN, BN, MN(NP)

Kerri-Lynn Sullivan - RN, BN, MN(NP)

Stephanie Sullivan - RN, BN, MN(NP)

Susan White - RN, BN, MN(NP), (F/AA)