
Overview of Rounds and Teaching

Rounds are held daily and offer residents an exposure to radiology and related teaching topics in didactic and case based format. Rounds are attended by staff radiologists and in most cases led by that person. There are opportunities for residents to develop teaching and presentation skills through “subspeciality” and “resident grand round” sessions. Residents are taught the essentials of radiology case discussion including the presentation of case material and the approach to evaluating this material. Cased based teaching offers residents an opportunity to develop consultative skills necessary to practice radiology and prepare for the Royal College examinations.


MONDAY - Resident Sub-Specialty Rounds:

These rounds are organized by a staff member and a Resident.  All residents are freed from clinical duties for this time slot. 

Monday from 4:00 - 5:00 pm. 

Residents present cases in PowerPoint format around a topic selected by them and the participating staff radiologist. 

These rounds are streamed between the Health Science site to the teaching room at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital.

TUESDAY - Interesting Case Rounds (ICR):

These rounds are held at both the Health Science site and St. Clare's Mercy Hospital site for staff and residents at each location. 

Tuesday from 12:00 - 1:00 pm. 

Residents will attend these rounds and bring interesting cases with prepared discussion. 

Residents attend the rounds at the site that they are rotating through. 

Any resident at the Janeway site would attend the Health Science site rounds. 

Residents and/or staff radiologists will present cases to the residents in attendance. 

The resident presented with the case will offer a description of the images provided, provide a differential diagnosis and offer further management suggestions. 

Staff present for rounds will ensure this is done in a concise and efficient manner offering assistance and feedback as necessary to complete the case.

It is the goal that each resident in attendance be shown a case.

WEDNESDAY - Physics:

Dr. Edward Kendall and Dr. Bassem Elshahat teach physics. They provide a 45 minute physics lecture to the residents.

Held from 12:30 - 1:15 pm every Wednesday.

These rounds are streamed from the Health Science site to the teaching room at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital. 

All residents are freed from clinical duties for this time slot.

WEDNESDAY - Academic Half Day:

Held every Wednesday.

1:30 until 5pm with a short break at 3pm until 3:30pm, then resume from 3:30-5pm

All residents are freed from clinical duties to attend.   

All residents go to the hospital where the Academic Half Day is being taught that week. 

Residents are occasionally divided into junior and senior groups and each group is assigned a room and staff person. 

Teaching material is prepared and presented by staff radiologists. 

Subjects are selected to cover topics from the radiology curriculum. 

Usually takes the form of a didactic or case based lecture component. 

Cases presented by staff are routinely taken by individual residents in a format similar to the ICR rounds outlined above.

THURSDAY - Staff Sub-Specialty Rounds:

Held every Thursday. 

12:00 - 1:00 pm unless a staff member from the Janeway is teaching at which time they are held from 4:00 - 5:00 pm.

Topic based as are the Monday subspecialty rounds (The difference is that all teaching material and cases are prepared and presented by a staff radiologist scheduled).

These rounds will often reflect a topic in a core area of radiology.

Also be an opportunity for residents to be exposed to subspecialty interests of the staff radiologist.

All residents are freed from clinical duties to attend. 

These rounds are streamed between the Health Science site and the teaching room at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital.

FRIDAY - Fundamentals OR Grand Rounds: 

Fundamentals of Radiology:

Held from 4:00 - 5:00 pm and is a great Memorial Radiology tradition that focuses on basic fundamental topics at each session, loosely based on the core textbook for the program. This lecture series has become popular with residents of all levels of training. It is a lecture based series that began informally to assist new residents in development of an academic base for radiology training. It attempts to guide residents through the core chapters of a major radiology text, “Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology”, By Brandt and Helms. While a great introduction to new residents it serves as a refresher for more senior residents that wish to attend. These rounds are streamed between the Health Science site and the teaching room at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital.  Occasionally, residents will go to one or the other site and attend this session as one group.  All residents are freed from clinical duties to attend.

Grand Rounds:

Held from 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Excellent opportunity for each resident to present once a year on a radiology related topic of their choice, that they feel more exposure is needed.

All residents are freed from clinical duties to attend. 

These rounds are streamed from the Health Science site to the teaching room at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital. 

Responsibilities of Residents:

1) If you cannot present case/topic material on your assigned time you MUST arrange a switch with someone else. You must then inform Margie/Jennifer so that an email can be sent to inform everyone of the change.

2) Rounds must be discussed with assigned staff several days before rounds are presented.


*Attendance at rounds and lectures is mandatory for radiology residents to ensure maximal exposure to curriculum. Attendance records are kept.  Speakers spend time preparing for lectures and rounds and will not be encouraged to improve their teaching material if attendance is low.

*Be punctual! Residents have priority to attend departmental rounds and teaching. It is the staff radiologist’s responsibility to cover radiology services during this period.  

*Participate and be enthusiastic. Contribute to rounds! This will benefit fellow residents presented with the case and benefit your learning through case preparation.

*Collect cases during your rotation. Cases are to be prepared in Power Point format with a brief summary of findings and discussion of the main learning points.

Resident’s will select a staff person annually who has provided the most educational value. This staff will receive a teaching award at an annual social event.

Journal Club:

Journal Club is an opportunity for residents to practice critical appraisal techniques as they pertain directly to radiology. Journal Club is held approximately every 1-2 months and, generally, one paper is discussed during a session. Staff radiologists with specialty interest in the field covered by the paper are asked to attend sessions. Papers and topics are chosen by residents in consultation with a staff radiologist. These papers must offer some educational value to residents. The paper must be amenable to critical appraisal. Typically such papers tend to be found in scientific journals such as The American Journal of Radiology or Canadian Journal of Radiology for example. Articles of a review nature typically do not lend themselves to critical appraisal unless they consist of a meta-analysis in which case they may be more complex. While such review articles are of great interest in the practice of radiology they are better reserved for presentation in the context of other rounds/conferences.

Visiting Professor Program:

Each year, 2 – 3 visiting professors spend 2-3 days each with residents providing small group teaching sessions and mock oral examinations. Guest professors are invited to speak to staff in addition to holding teaching sessions with residents. This offers an invaluable opportunity for residents to learn a fresh perspective from a range of excellent radiologists practicing throughout North America.

Ethics Training:

Ethics training is an important part of our radiology residency program. The ethics of patient care is an important of daily clinical practice and is discussed on a regular basis at the viewbox. It does also involve teaching, videotapes, care-based discussion, and review of journal articles. Dr. Christopher Kaposy, Memorial University Ethicists, are available to speak with residents and are involved in ongoing ethics teaching. There are approximately four sessions per year.  Also, please refer to the Royal College Policy regarding “Physicians and Industry – Conflicts of Interest”.