Md Samsur Rahman

Currently I am completing my doctoral studies in the faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN). My area of research relates to the risk assessment and management of marine emergency logistics operation in remote harsh environment. I did a master of engineering degree at MUN (2014) and a bachelor degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2009. Prior to my graduate studies, I worked several months as a Naval Architect and later I served as a lecturer for two years at the Accident Research Institute of BUET. During my graduate program, I also did internships with Virtual Marine and C-CORE.

Research interests

Risk analysis of offshore systems, Probabilistic methods, Dynamic positioning


  1. Rahman, M.S., Turnbull, I.D., Taylor, R.S., and Veitch, B., 2016, Analysis of First Year Ice Surface Ocean Current and Ice Floe Drift Speed and Motion Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador from Satellite-Tracked Buoys During the 2015 Ice Season, Arctic Technology Conference, St. John’s, OTC 27381.
  2. Rahman, M.S., Taylor, R., Kennedy, A., Simões Ré, A. and Veitch, B. 2015 (August). Probabilistic analysis of local ice loads on a lifeboat measured in full-scale field trials. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 137(4):1-14.
  3. Rahman, M. S., Taylor, R. S., Simões Ré, A., Kennedy, A., Wang, J. and Veitch, B., 2014. “Probabilistic Analysis of Local Ice Loads on a Lifeboat”, ICETECH14-104, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
  4. Billard, R., Rahman, M. S., Kennedy, A., Simões Ré, A. and Veitch, B., 2014. “Operability of lifeboats in pack ice: coxswains’ skill and design factors”, Proc. Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, OTC 24610.

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