View Procedure


Procedure for Change of Location while Outside of Canada

Approval Date: 2021-12-02

Effective Date: 2015-03-12

Responsible Unit: Office of the Chief Risk Officer


Travelers already outside of Canada for University-related activities are permitted to partake in additional travel and can change location from the previously specified destination(s) for University-related activities.

Travelers who add a new destination for personal travel do not have to follow this procedure, however, if the new destination is high risk, travelers are welcome to seek advice from the TOC committee.

When changing location to a previously unspecified destination(s), the Traveler/Activity Coordinator will:

1. Determine the GAC (or alternate) travel advisories for the new destination(s). The GAC travel advisories are available here:

2. Follow the Procedure for Assessing Risk for Travel Outside of Canada for the new destination(s).

Policies using this procedure:

Procedure Amendment History

There are past amendments for this policy:

Date: 2021-12-23 16:15:43
This procedure was published as a replacement of a previous version with an ID of 491. Comment provided: Revised Procedure (Approved Dec 2 2021)