University Policy


Graduate Student Field Trips

Approval Date: N/A

Effective Date: 2013-04-09

Review Date: 2021-05-01


The President through the Vice-President (Administration and Finance) and the Department of Financial and Administrative Services.


To provide for proper control of graduate student field trip expenses where such field trips are a required part of a graduate student’s academic program.


All eligible field trip expenses incurred by students in fulfillment of the requirements of a program of graduate studies whether the funds to support such expenses derive from University funds or external funds.


The University reimburses graduate students for eligible field trip expenses where the field trip is required for the student’s graduate academic program.

Approval to incur expenses in respect to field trips must come from the Dean, Division Head, Head of School or Department Head. Approval must be granted prior to the field trip and must be accompanied by certification that funds are available to meet the anticipated expenses.

Related Documents

Enterprise Risk Management policy


For inquiries related to this policy:

Department of Financial and Administrative Services (709)  864-8222


Vice-President (Administration, Finance and Advancement)



Previous Versions:

There is at least one previous version of this policy. Contact the Policy Office to view earlier version(s)

Approval Date: 0000-00-00
Effective Date: 1996-05-01
Policy Amendment History

There are past amendments for this policy:

Date: 2024-09-11 14:33:40
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Updated to reflect Vice-President titles as approved by the Board of Regents December 7, 2023