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Procedure for Arranging Student Accommodation

Approval Date: 2017-12-07

Effective Date: 2017-12-07

Responsible Unit: Student Life


1. To request an Accommodation including an Accommodation for a Comfort or Service Animal, students should contact the appropriate campus co-ordinating centre as follows:

2. Self-identifying with a Disability and requesting an Accommodation sufficiently early will assist with providing any Accommodation. Although exceptions based on individual circumstances will be considered, Accommodation cannot be guaranteed for the current semester, session, course, work placement, event or activity, if students do not identify themselves in a timely manner as follows:

a. At least six weeks before course registration in the case of new students

b. At the start of each semester or session in the case of returning students

c. As soon as possible, in the case of students who develop a disability, either permanently or temporarily, and students with a Disability whose health status changes significantly during their time at the University

d. Normally, at least two months in advance of a course, presentation, event or activity requiring sign language interpretation

e. Normally, at least six months in advance of requiring special or additional resources not regularly available within the University

f. Normally, at least six months in advance of required structural changes to existing premises

g. At least two weeks before a scheduled in-class assignment or test

h. At least one month before a final examination

i. At least three months before convocation, for graduating students

j. At least three months before commencement of a work placement

3. Students requesting an Accommodation must provide documentation to the appropriate campus co-ordinating centre in accordance with the Procedure for Documentation Regarding a Student’s Accommodation Request.

4. Staff from the appropriate campus co-ordinating centre will conduct an initial interview with the student and/or applicant to discuss individual Accommodation requests. As part of this process, documentation will be reviewed to ensure that recommendations and decisions about Accommodations are based on appropriate medical and/or psycho-educational information. Where necessary, and with the student’s or applicant’s written consent, the campus co-ordinating centre may seek further information from or consult with professionals or experts, either internal or external, to the University.

The initial interview may include discussions on such topics as:

  • Campus physical accessibility.
  • Assistance with accessing funding sources for students with Disabilities.
  • Learning environment accommodations.
  • Accommodations for transitions to the University.
  • Accommodation for work placements.
  • On-campus housing Accommodations.
  • Availability of assistive technology and alternative format materials.
  • Process for booking testing Accommodations.
  • Emergency evacuation guidelines.
  • Accommodations for orientation.
  • Any other on-campus and community resources or services.

5. The appropriate campus co-ordinating centre will prepare any documentation notifying the student's Instructors and other individuals in the applicable Units at the student’s request. The documentation will include a recommendation for reasonable Accommodations relevant to the student’s Disability.

6. Following contact with the appropriate campus co-ordinating centre, students should discuss their Accommodation needs for courses, programs or assignments with their Instructors, and any others, in light of the nature and requirements of the particular course, program or assignment. For other types of Accommodation needs, the campus co-ordinating centre will contact the applicable Unit(s) on behalf of the student, with the student’s consent.

7. In the case of semester tests, normally, the campus co-ordinating centre will assist the Instructor and student in making arrangements. To guarantee approved Accommodations, students must schedule in-class assignments or tests at least two weeks in advance.

8. In the case of final examinations: the campus co-ordinating centres will assist in making the arrangements, consulting where necessary. To guarantee approved Accommodation, students must schedule final examinations at least one month in advance. 

9. Decisions regarding Accommodations relating to courses, programs or assignments must be dealt with expeditiously because they may affect a student's admission, re-admission, or progress, in an ongoing course, program, work placement, or access to on-campus housing or an activity. When an Accommodation request cannot be arranged, the Procedure when a Student Accommodation Request Cannot be Arranged may be followed.

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