University Policy


Relocation Guidelines - Postdoctoral Fellows

Approval Date: N/A

Effective Date: 2014-10-14

Review Date: 2021-05-01


Vice-President (Administration and Finance) through the Department of Financial and Administrative Services.


To provide for proper control of relocation expenses.


All Postdoctoral Fellows of Memorial University of Newfoundland.


Relocation Expenses – Upper Limit
a. In order to control relocation costs of Postdoctoral Fellows the individual academic units are permitted to prescribe an upper limit on the costs which the unit is prepared to pay.
b. The upper limit on costs cannot exceed the costs outlined under Relocation Expenses.
c. The upper limit should be clearly stated in the letter of appointment sent to the Postdoctoral Fellow, a copy of which should be forwarded to the Director of Financial and Administrative Services.
 d. The establishment of an upper limit will be the responsibility of the appropriate Unit Head.

Relocation Expenses
a. Relocation expenses for newly appointed Postdoctoral Fellows are limited to the lowest obtainable cost, not to exceed the limit specified by the academic unit. Relocation expenses should not exceed economy airfare for the appointee, his or her spouse, and any legally dependent children from their place of residence to the University. One way air fare will be reimbursed upon arrival at the University.
b. The return portion of the airfare will be paid upon completion of the employment period. However, in cases where reduced fares (e.g. seat sales) are available, the total fare will be reimbursed upon arrival or the University may arrange that the return ticket be purchased and forwarded to the appointee.
c. If the newly appointed Postdoctoral Fellow chooses to travel by private motor vehicle, or by a route other than the most direct, he/she will be reimbursed the actual cost of travel up to the otherwise lowest obtainable cost.
d. Expenses for the return trip after the appointment is completed will be reimbursed at time of return and not at time of arrival.
e. Relocation costs are the budget responsibility of the sponsoring academic unit or supporting research grant.
f. Prospective candidates will not receive funding to assist with removal of household goods.

Related Documents

Schedule of Reimbursable Expenses


For inquiries related to this policy:

Financial and Administrative Services (709) 864-8222


Vice-President (Administration, Finance and Advancement)



Previous Versions:

There is at least one previous version of this policy. Contact the Policy Office to view earlier version(s)

Approval Date: 0000-00-00
Effective Date: 2014-10-14
Approval Date: 0000-00-00
Effective Date: 1986-04-01
Policy Amendment History

There are past amendments for this policy:

Date: 2024-05-03 12:14:33
This policy was published as a replacement of a previous version with an ID of 270. Comment provided: Updating Weblinks
Date: 2024-09-11 15:42:57
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Updated to reflect Vice-President titles as approved by the Board of Regents December 7, 2023