Cross-Appointed Faculty
Garland, Sheila N.
Associate Professor, Discipline of Psychology (Cross Appointed to the Discipline of Oncology) PhD. R. Psych
Associate Professor, Discipline of Psychology (Cross Appointed to the Discipline of Oncology) PhD. R. Psych
Gendron, Robert
Professor of Cancer/Cardiovascular Biology and Cross Appointment with Oncology Ph.D., McGill University
Professor of Cancer/Cardiovascular Biology and Cross Appointment with Oncology Ph.D., McGill University
Green, Jane
Discipline of Genetics (Cross Appointed to Surgery [Ophthalmology], Medicine, Oncology) OC, ONL, BSc, MSc (UBC); PhD (Memorial), CCMG (hon), FCAHS
Discipline of Genetics (Cross Appointed to Surgery [Ophthalmology], Medicine, Oncology) OC, ONL, BSc, MSc (UBC); PhD (Memorial), CCMG (hon), FCAHS
Kao, Ken
Professor, Division of Biomedical Sciences | Division of Biomedical Sciences (Cross Appointment with the Discipline of Oncology)
Professor, Division of Biomedical Sciences | Division of Biomedical Sciences (Cross Appointment with the Discipline of Oncology)
Mathieson, Alex
Assistant Professor of Surgery (General & Surgical Oncology) B.Sc. (Hons), MD, 2001 , Memorial, FRCSC
Assistant Professor of Surgery (General & Surgical Oncology) B.Sc. (Hons), MD, 2001 , Memorial, FRCSC
Savas, Sevtap
Professor, Human Genetics and Cross Appointment with Oncology B. Sc., M.Sc., PhD (Bogazici)
Professor, Human Genetics and Cross Appointment with Oncology B. Sc., M.Sc., PhD (Bogazici)