Mental Health / Addictions

PTSD (particularly as it relates to first responders and public safety communicators), suicide rates and the opioid epidemic are some of the major areas being investigated by researchers in the Discipline of Emergency Medicine at Memorial University.

Full-Time Faculty Researchers

Dr. Stephen Czarnuch
Assistant Professor
Dr. Brian Metcalfe
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Gillian Sheppard
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Margo Wilson
Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Recent Publications

Nath A, Hunchak C, Smith S, Fedwick J, Hanel E, Rogers P. COVID-19 and its impact on CCFP(EM) residency training. CJEM. 2021 May 22:1–4. doi: 10.1007/s43678-021-00149-0. Epub ahead of print.
Ricciardelli, R., Czarnuch, S. M., Kuzmochka, N., & Martin, K. (2021). ‘I’m not sick!…Are you?’ Groupthink in police services as a barrier to collecting mental health data. International Journal of Police Science & Management.
Pollock, N.J., Liu, L., Wilson, M.M. et al. Suicide in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: a time trend analysis from 1981 to 2018. BMC Public Health 21, 1291 (2021).
Reccord C, Power N, Hatfield K, Karaivanov Y, Mulay S, Wilson M, Pollock N. Rural-Urban Differences in Suicide Mortality: An Observational Study in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: Différences de la Mortalité Par Suicide en Milieu Rural-Urbain: Une Étude Observationnelle à Terre-Neuve et Labrador, Canada. Can J Psychiatry. 2021 Feb 12:706743721990315. doi: 10.1177/0706743721990315.
Pollock N, Wilson M, Karaivanov Y, Power N, Reccord C. Codesigning a public health approach to preventing firearm-related suicide deaths with rural communities. CMAJ. 2020 Dec 14;192(50):E1811. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.77311.
Ricciardelli R, Czarnuch S, Carleton RN, Gacek J, Shewmake J. Canadian Public Safety Personnel and Occupational Stressors: How PSP Interpret Stressors on Duty. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Jul 1;17(13):4736. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17134736
Doran P, Sheppard G, Metcalfe B. P113: Examining emergency physicians’ self-reported opioid prescribing practices for the treatment of acute pain: A Newfoundland perspective. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020 May;22(S1):S105-6.
R Ricciardelli, S Czarnuch, T O Afifi, T Taillieu, R N Carleton, Public Safety Personnel’s interpretations of potentially traumatic events, Occupational Medicine, Volume 70, Issue 3, April 2020, Pages 155–161,
Carleton, R.N., Afifi, T.O., Turner, S., Taillieu, T., Vaughan, A.D., Anderson, G.S., Ricciardelli, R., MacPhee, R.S., Cramm, H.A., Czarnuch, S., Hozempa, K. (2020). Mental health training, attitudes toward support, and screening positive for mental disorders. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Jan 2; 49(1):55-73.
Carleton RN, Afifi TO, Turner S, Taillieu T, Vaughan AD, Anderson GS, Ricciardelli R, MacPhee RS, Cramm HA, Czarnuch S, Hozempa K, Camp RD. Mental health training, attitudes toward support, and screening positive for mental disorders. Cogn Behav Ther. 2020 Jan;49(1):55-73. doi: 10.1080/16506073.2019.1575900.
R. Ricciardelli, D. Groll, S. Czarnuch, R. N. Carleton, and H. Cramm, "Behind the frontlines: exploring the mental health and help-seeking behaviours of public safety personnel who work to support frontline operations," Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research (CIJS), vol. 8, pp. 315-348, 2019.