About Us

Photo of Dr. Mike Parsons, Chair of Emergency Medicine

The Discipline of Emergency Medicine is a small, collegial group of faculty. We have 8 full-time clinical faculty, located in St. John’s. There are 81 part-time faculty, 38 in St. John’s, 13 Rural, 27 in NB and 3 in PEI. EM faculty are active in a number of diverse clinical activities reflecting a range of expertise. In addition to Emergency Medicine, individuals are involved in family medicine, pediatrics, rural/ remote locums, occupational health, global health initiatives, and EMS administration. Members of the Discipline are involved in a diverse array of research, education, and leadership activities.

Faculty are involved in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In particular, our faculty are heavily involved with the CCFP(EM) program, offering numerous opportunities for dedicated hands-on training with a high faculty-to-learner ratio. Some our many teaching activities include: didactic learning, simulation, Point-of-Care Ultrasound, and supervision of scholarly activities.

Of particular note, our discipline is a leader in Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) teaching. Indeed, we were the first in the country to develop an interdisciplinary Point-of-Care Ultrasound program involving postgraduate residents from numerous specialties. Please see the Point-of-Care Ultrasound section for more information on the EM ultrasound program.

Currently, members are involved with ongoing research and scholarly works in a variety of areas including: Gender Equity, Diversity, Inclusion; PoCUS;  simulation-based medical education; prehospital care; rural telemedicine; geriatrics; and communication barriers.

Our faculty have also participated in international medical missions in Haiti with Project Broken Earth, STIMMA, and Haiti Village Health. Closer to home, the discipline collaborates with rural physicians in Newfoundland and Labrador in the delivery of teaching on advanced airway management, procedures, and Point-of-Care Ultrasound.

Welcome to Emergency Medicine at Memorial University!

Dr. Mike Parsons
Associate Professor and Chair of Emergency Medicine