Deep Bay

Deep Bay is a historic outport community that sits at the bottom edge of steep, rocky hills. Like its name suggests, the nearby bay is so deep that it is known to attract feeding whales. This geographic attribute also played an important role in how the community fish stages were built. Unlike other fishing outports, the fact that the sea bed drops fairly close to shore meant that stages could be built on land. Catches could therefore be hauled in with more ease than in other locations. Fogo Island communities predominantly feature stages that are built out over the ocean, connected to the land by long bridges. Since the stages of Deep Bay could be placed on shore, much shorter connecting bridges were built, giving this community a unique appearance.

During a phase of economic growth and development, a fish plant and community stage were integrated into the small community. Hence, for a stretch of time, the fishery ceased being a family-based business. Now both the plant and stage are closed down and the industry has been returned to the hands of Deep Bay families.

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