Erin McGowan

Erin McGowan
Assistant professor
Office: Physical Education Building (PE 2022B)
Personal Profile
As a professor, I strive to convey my passion for the topic, while creating a
comfortable but challenging learning environment. My primary and most
challenging goal is to get students actively involved in the learning process.
- Enhancing performance in physical activity (HKR 2004)
- Personal stress management (HKR 2005)
- Health Issues I: Health Promotion (HKR 3330)
- Exercise Psychology (HKR 3910)
- Introduction to Research Methods (HKR 4600)
My research focuses on promoting healthy lifestyle behaviours, in particular physical activity, as a means of promoting overall health, and preventing and managing chronic conditions. As such, my research program is focused on three broad areas under the umbrella of physical activity promotion:
(a) physical activity and cancer/chronic conditions;
(b) healthy active living programs; and
(c) exercise is medicine.
(students/trainees are underlined/* = corresponding author; †IF: Impact Factor). †Impact factors are presented when available, and reflect impact factors from the year the papers were published.
1. Buote, RD., McGowan, EL., Loucks-Atkinson, A., Yi, KJ., Cameron, EM., Borduas, C., Patey, MJ., Sullivan, AM., & Loeffler, TA. (Accepted). Parents’ perceptions of a university-based children’s physical activity program. PHEnex Journal.
2. Buote, R., Collins, R., Sheppard, J., & McGowan, E.* (Accepted). Evaluation of the accuracy and availability of cancer-related physical activity and sedentary behaviour information on english-language websites. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. (IF: 1.312)
3. Yi, K. J., Cameron, E., Patey, M., Loucks-Atkinson, A., Loeffler, T.A., McGowan, E., Sullivan, A-M., Borduas, C., & Buote, R. (2018). University-based physical literacy programming for children: Canadian community stakeholders’ recommendations. Health Promotion International, 1-10. DOI: 10.1093/heapro/day063. [Epub ahead of print] (IF: 1.866)
4. Collins, R. H., & McGowan, E. L.* (2018). Exploring associations of sedentary behavior and physical activity with quality of life in young adult cancer survivors. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 7, 643-651. DOI: 10.1089/jayao.2018.0032 (IF: 2.167)
5. Borduas, C., Cameron, E., Yi, K.J., Kilborn, M., McGowan, E., Buote, R., Loucks-Atkinson, Sullivan, A-M., Patey, M., & Loeffler, T.A. (2018). Exploring university-based physical literacy programming: Perspectives of service providers. PHEnex Journal, 9 (2). Retrieved from
6. Kilborn, M., Cameron, E., McGowan, E., Borduas, C., Baird, J-R., Cummings, M., & Rohr, L. (2017). Assessing the landscape: A mixed-methods study into healthy active living programming for youth in Newfoundland, Canada. PHE Journal, 83 (3). Retrieved from
7. Reeves, C., Boyd, E., Roul, D., McGowan, E., & Cameron, E. (2017). Body image in rock climbers: A qualitative study. Journal of Sport Behavior, 40 (4), 382-398.
8. Ryan, J., Cameron, E., & McGowan, E*. (2017). Changing physical activity counseling outcomes among future health professionals. Clinical Kinesiology, 71 (3), 25-33.
9. McGowan, E., Fuller, D., Cutumisu, N., North, S., & Courneya, K. (2017). Examining whether built environment factors are effect modifiers in a randomized controlled trial to increase physical activity among men with prostate cancer: The PROMOTE trial. Supportive Care in Cancer, 25, 2993-2996. (IF: 2.676)
10. Buote, R., Malone, S., Belanger, L., & McGowan, E*. (2016). Quality and accuracy of publicly accessible cancer-related physical activity information on the internet: A cross sectional assessment. European Journal of Cancer Care, 25, 795-805. DOI: 10.1111/ecc.12518 (IF: 2.409)
11. Speed-Andrews, A. E., McGowan E. L., Rhodes, R. E., Blanchard, C. M., Culos-Reed, S. N., Friedenreich, C. M., & Courneya, K. S. (2014). Identification and evaluation of the salient physical activity beliefs of colorectal cancer survivors. Cancer Nursing, 37, 14-22.
12. McGowan, E. L., North, S. & Courneya, K. S. (2013). Randomized controlled trial of a behavior change intervention to increase physical activity and quality of life in prostate cancer survivors. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 46, 382-393. (IF: 4.200)
13. McGowan E. L., Speed-Andrews, A. E., Rhodes, R. E., Blanchard, C. M., Culos-Reed, S. N., Friedenreich, C. M., & Courneya, K. S. (2013). Sport participation in colorectal cancer survivors: A novel approach to increasing physical activity. Journal of Supportive Care in Cancer, 21, 139-147. doi:10.1007/s00520-012-1501-0 (IF: 2.770)
14. McGowan E. L., Speed-Andrews, A. E., Blanchard, C. M., Rhodes, R. E., Friedenreich, C. M., Culos-Reed, S. N., & Courneya, K. S. (2013). Physical activity preferences among a population-based sample of colorectal cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 40 (1), 44-52. (IF: 1.763)
15. Speed-Andrews, A. E., McGowan E. L., Rhodes, R. E., Blanchard, C. M., Culos-Reed, S. N., Friedenreich, C. M., & Courneya, K. S. (2013). Correlates of strength exercise in colorectal cancer survivors. American Journal of Health Behavior, 37 (2), 162-170. (IF: 1.140)
16. De Jesus, S., Fitzgeorge, L., McGowan, E., & Prapavessis, H. (2012). Physical activity and body composition relations: Accurate and objective assessment of physical activity matters. International Journal of Body Composition Research, 10, 73-78. (IF: 0.7400)
17. Campbell, N., Prapavessis, H., Gray, C., McGowan, E., Rush, E., & Maddison, R. (2012). The actiheart in adolescents: a doubly labelled water validation. Pediatric Exercise Science, 24 (4), 589-602. (IF: 1.480)
18. McGowan, E. L., Prapavessis, H., Campbell, N., Gray, C., & Elkayam, J. (2012). The effect of a multifaceted efficacy intervention on exercise adherence in relatives of colon cancer patients. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 19, 550-562. doi: 10.1007/s12529-011-9191-4. (IF: 1.840)
19. Gregg, M., Hall, C., McGowan, E., & Hall, N. (2011). The relationship between imagery ability and imagery use among athletes. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23 (2), 129-141. (IF: 3.190)
20. McGowan, E. L., & Prapavessis, H. (2010). Colon cancer information as a source of exercise motivation for relatives of colon cancer patients. Psychology, Health, & Medicine, 15 (6), 729-741. (IF: 1.630)
21. McGowan, E. L., Prapavessis, H., & Wesch, N. (2008). Self-presentational concerns and competitive anxiety. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 30 (3), 383-400. (IF: 1.570)
22. Foley, L., Prapavessis, H., Maddison, R., Burke, S., McGowan, E., & Gillanders, L. (2008). Predicting physical activity intention and behavior in school-aged children. Pediatric Exercise Science, 20, 342-356. (IF: 1.220)
1. McGowan, E. L., & Courneya, K. S. (2011). Exercise interventions in supportive oncology. In M. Davis, P. Feyer, P. Ortner, & C. Zimmermann (Eds.), Supportive Oncology (pp. 414-428). Philadelphia; PA: Elsevier.
1. Kilborn, M., Cameron, E., McGowan, E., & Young, G. (2017). Healthy active living in Labrador research report. Prepared for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Seniors, Wellness, and Social Development and Recreation.
2. Kilborn, M., Cameron, E., McGowan, E., & Rohr, L. (2015). Healthy Active Living in Newfoundland Research Report. Prepared for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Seniors, Wellness, and Social Development and Recreation.
3. Kilborn, M., Cameron, E., McGowan, E., & Rohr, L. (2015). Literature Review and Online Scan: Healthy Active Living in Newfoundland Research Report. Prepared for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador's Department of Seniors, Wellness, and Social Development and Recreation.
1.2018-2020 McGowan, E., Cameron, E., Garland, S., & Brunet, J. (Submitted- Jan 2019). So, You Think You Can Dance? Building Community Through Activity and Education to Improve Prostate Cancer Survivorship. Prostate Cancer Canada- Discovery grant, 2 years ($138,263.52).
2. 2018-2019 Murphy, D., Twells, L., Clarke, A., McGowan, E., & Wadden, A. (2018). Beyond weight-loss: the physiological and psychological effects of a community-based exercise program on fertility. NL Support Spark Grant, 1 year ($10,000).
3. 2015-2020 Sabiston, C. M. (PI), Vallance, J., Ahmed, R., Brunet, J., Campbell, K., Courneya, K., Culos-Reed, S. N., Faulkner, G., Friedenreich, C., Gauvin, L., Jones, J., Karvinen, K., Keats, M., McGowan, E., Rennie, H, Santa Mina, D., Fong, A., Tomasone, J., & Trinh, L. Improving physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour among breast cancer survivors: MOVING research into practice. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, 5 years ($378,859).
4. 2016-2018 Sitter, K. (PI), Beausoleil, N., Cameron, E., Mathieson, A., McGowan, E., Walsh, D., Wideman, G. Making Decisions About Surgical Treatment: Using Digital Stories to Explore the Experiences of Breast Cancer Patients. Newfoundland and Labrador Support POR Grant, 1 year ($56,069).
5. 2016-2017 Urquhart, R. (PI), & Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation with McGowan, E. L. as member of the expert panel. Development of a research framework and recommendations Cancer survivorship. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer ($50,000).
6. 2015-2016 1. Kilborn, M., Cameron, E., McGowan, E., & Young, G. (2015). Healthy active living Labrador– Environmental scan. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Seniors, Wellness, and Social Development and Recreation, 1 year ($25,000).
7. 2015-2016 Cameron, E., Yi, K. J., Sullivan, A.M., Loucks-Atkinson, A., McGowan, E., Loeffler, T. (2015). The PLAY project: Building capacity for physical literacy in Newfoundland and Labrador. RBC Learn to Play Grant, 1 year ($23,200).
8. 2015-2017 McGowan, E. (PI), & Cameron, E. (2015). Sizing up Stigma: Exploring the Perceptions and Experiences of Prostate Cancer Survivors with Health-Related Stigma. Seed, Bridge, and Multidisciplinary Fund Memorial University, 2 years ($10,000).
9. 2014-2017 Greenland, J. (PI), McGowan, E., Ploughman, M., Power, K., Button, D., & Squires, S. Improving Prostate Cancer Survivorship: Building Community Partnerships Through Physical Activity. Eastern Health Lighthouse Grants for Innovation, 3 years ($9,140.00).
10. 2014-2014 McGowan, E. (PI), & Buote, R. Randomized Controlled Trial of a Behaviour Change Intervention to Increase Aerobic and Resistance Exercise and Quality of Life in Older Prostate and Breast Cancer Survivors: The OutPACE Trial. Funded by Mitacs Accelerate, 8 months ($30,000).
11. 2012-2013 McGowan, E. (PI), Power, K., & Behm, D. Randomized Controlled Trial of a Behavior Change Intervention to Increase Aerobic and Resistance Exercise and Quality of Life in Older Prostate and Breast Cancer Survivors: The OUTPACE Trial. Thera-band Academy, 1 year ($7,500).
Additional InformationAssociations
The following links are associations I have an affiliation with:
The following links are associations I have an affiliation with:
I am always interested in recruiting graduate students who are passionate about physical activity promotion.
Please contact me for graduate student opportunities.