NMR Instruments

Bruker Avance III 300

Bruker Avance III 300 with BACS autosampler

• BACS auto-sampler, 60 positions
• Bruker BBFO for 1H, 19F, 31P to 15N observe
• All standard 1D and 2D gradients experiments
• VT range: -80oC to +130oC
• Software: Topspin 3.5 with ICON

Funded through NSERC RTI and IRIF led by Dr. Chris Kozak and co-applicants (2010)


Bruker Avance II 600

The Avance II 600. Solution/solid/imaging NMR

This instrument is equipped with high-resolution, solid-state and micro-imaging capabilities, enabling a wide range of materials to be researched, from proteins and inorganic solids characterization to diffusion coefficients measurements. Each system comes with specific probes to cover a large variety of nuclei and experiments.

Funding Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) through Dr. Valerie Booth (2006)


· Inverse triple resonance probe, VT, Z-gradient for 1H observation with 13C, 15N decoupling
· 19F/1H dual probe with 1H decoupling, Z-gradient, VT.

· Flat coil dual-tuned probe for 1H to 15N/31P cross-polarization
· Flat coil triple tuned CP probe: 1H/19F/2H
· Triple-tuned CP/MAS probe with VT: 1H/13C/15N
· Triple-tuned CP/MAS probe with VT: 1H/31P/13C
· Triple-tuned CP/MAS probe with VT :1H/19F/X (X=15N-31P)


VT, actively shielded gradients probehead with exchangeable coils:
· 1H solenoid insert for 2 mm samples
· 1H RF inserts for 5 and 10 mm samples
· 2H/1H insert for 5 mm samples
· Z-gradient coil for diffusion application