Lab Group

Booth Group -  August 2019

Group as of August 2019.   From left to right:  Liam Gregory (now an MSc student at UBC), Tadiwos, Yanitza, Valerie, Nury (now working in Physics teaching labs), Sarika, Henry (now medical student), Sheyla.

Current Research Group

Tadiwos Getachew - PhD student (Dept of Biochemistry)
Sarika Kumari - PhD student (Dept of Biochemistry)
Yanitza Trosel Arroyo - PhD student (Dept of Physics and Physical Oceanography)
Sheyla Montero - MSc student (Dept of Biochemistry)
Henry Power - Honours student (Dept of Biochemistry)
Ashan Wijesinghe - MUCEP/Honours student (Dept of Biochemistry)
Andy Garnier - Honours student (Dept of Biochemistry)
For a list of past group members please click here.

Interested in Research?

The Booth lab consists of students with many different academic backgrounds such as Biochemistry, Physics, Computer Studies and Mathematics.

If you are interested in joining the lab group please contact Dr Booth (if you don't receive a reply, please take that to mean we are not looking for new students right now). Email: