Engineering and Applied Science

Why Engineering and Applied Science @ Memorial?

The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science offers graduate diplomas and MASc, MEng, and PhD degrees in the various engineering disciplines, including Civil, Communications, Computer, Electrical, Energy Systems, Mechanical, Ocean and Naval Architecture, Oil and Gas, Process, and Safety and Risk engineering. Faculty expertise encompasses a wide cross-section of specialties and backgrounds; many faculty members have broad industrial experience and complement their teaching and research programs with consultancy services.

The graduate programs offered by the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science have grown tremendously in the past few years, both in terms of student strength and variety of courses and programs. Our faculty members are increasingly engaged in major research programs supported by NSERC, AIF, CRC and CFI, providing students unique opportunities to work alongside investigators of prestigious projects. Research funding is distributed across the disciplines and graduate students have access to all research facilities and resources. The faculty encourages students to combine two or more traditional disciplines to develop unique and challenging individual programs.

Students interested in the field of software engineering may also choose to pursue the Master of Applied Science in Software Engineering, jointly offered by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science.

Description of programs

  • Graduate diploma – The graduate diploma programs involve courses only and can be completed in less than two years of full-time study.

    Please note, we are not currently accepting applications for the Graduate Diploma in Safety and Risk Engineering. We would encourage you to apply for one of our other programs at this time.

  • MASc – The MASc in Computer Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Environmental Systems and Engineering Management, Oil and Gas Engineering, Safety and Risk Engineering, Software Engineering, and Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering involves courses only and can be completed in less than two years of full-time study.

  • MEng – The MEng program involves courses and a thesis, and can be completed in two years of full-time study.

  • PhD – The PhD program involves courses, a comprehensive exam, and a thesis. It can normally be completed in four years of full-time study.

Contact a faculty supervisor

Graduate applicants interested in research-based programs are strongly encouraged to connect with a faculty supervisor at the time of application. Visit the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science website for a list of faculty members, their research interests, and contact information. You may also use the Yaffle search application to find a supervisor you may wish to work with.

The School of Graduate Studies offers advice on how to search for and contact potential supervisors. Need more help? Try attending one of our webinars and information sessions for prospective graduate students.

Minimum admission requirements

  • Graduate diploma, MASc, MEng – Bachelor's degree (minimum second class or ‘B’ standing) in an appropriate area of study

  • PhD – Master's degree in an appropriate area of study (applicant’s rank in class, referees’ assessments, general performance through previous academic programs, and availability of supervisors will all be considered)

Graduate student and alumni profiles

Our graduate students come from all parts of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, and the world. View the student profile below to learn more about what they do and why they chose Memorial.



 Note: All figures are in Canadian dollars and subject to change. Fees are approved by the University’s Board of Regents. In the event of a discrepancy between the fees approved by the Board and those published on this website, the fees approved by the Board will prevail. Financial policies are enforced through the Department of Financial and Administrative Services. For the complete and official list of all fees and charges, visit

Program Information
Degrees Offered:

Graduate diploma (Communications)

MASc (Computer, Energy Systems, Environmental Systems Engineering and Management, Oil and Gas, Safety and Risk, Software, Sustainable Infrastructure)

MEng (Civil, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, Ocean and Naval Architecture, Oil and Gas, Process)

PhD (Civil, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, Ocean and Naval, Oil and Gas, Process)


course, thesis, thesis (fast-track)

Duration (Full-time students):

Graduate diploma, MASc, MEng: 1-2 years
PhD: 4 years


St. John's

Application Deadline:

December 1 (MEng and PhD) for Fall admission

April 1 (graduate diploma, MASc) for Fall admission (all disciplines)

August 1 (MASc) for Winter admission (Oil and Gas, Safety and Risk, Sustainable Infrastructure, Environmental Systems Engineering and Management only)


MEng: $18,000 (minimum)
PhD: $21,000 (minimum)

More funding information

Tuition (NL students):

Graduate diploma: $420/semester

MASc, MEng: $635-$953/semester (MASc programs have an additional special fee)

PhD: $888/semester

Tuition (Other Canadian students):

Graduate diploma: $546/semester

MASc, MEng: $826-$1,239/semester (MASc programs have an additional special fee)

PhD: $1,154/semester

Tuition (International students):

Graduate diploma: $710/semester

MASc, MEng: $1,074-$1,611/semester (MASc programs have an additional special fee)

PhD: $1,499/semester

More tuition information

Please Note:

In addition to the regular tuition fee, a special fee is applicable for MASc programs. For information regarding special fees, please view the Minimum Expense form.

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