Jie Li
PhD candidate
Room number: ER6026
Email: jli19@mun.ca
Thesis Title: Variations of depositional redox conditions across the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary (GSSP, Green Point Formation) in western Newfoundland: implications from Mo-, U-, and S- isotope signatures and I/Ca ratios
Supervisor(s): Dr. Karem Azmy
Other information:
B.Sc., Resource Exploration Engineering (Petroleum Geology), China University of Petroleum, China
M.Sc., Petroleum Geology, China University of Petroleum, China
My current research focuses on the accumulation mechanism of S, Mo, U, and Iodine in carbonates and/or shales as well as isotope fractionations associated with these processes. I am also interested in mineralogy & petrology, economic geology, and field geological work.
J. Li, K. Azmy, B. Kendall, 2022 (accepted for publication). The Mo- and U-isotope signatures in alternating shales and carbonate beds of rhythmites: a comparison and implications for redox conditions across the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary. Chemical geology.